
  • 导演:HerbertVesely
  • 演员:马修·加里瑞 、简·伯金 、克里斯汀·考夫曼 、克里斯蒂娜·凡·爱克 、KarinaFallenstein 、拉莫娜·莱斯
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:西德法国奥地利
  • 语言:德语
  • 上映时间:1983-12-14
  • 片长:95 分钟 / Argentina: 88 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:1
Herbert Vesely was one of the promises for a new German cinema already in the 50`s, but after the 60`s his star was already dimmed. He made a small number of films in the 70`s and 80`s, all non too good. This biography of Egon Schiele, one of the most important Austrian artists, is an example of the pretensions and emptiness of a Vesely-film of later date.The life of Schiele is presented here as a puzzle; well, Vesely thinks that Schiele`s life was a puzzle: the core of the story is centered around the famous 1912 pornography trial and using this as base the film shows fragments of past and future. The problem is that it never becomes a unity and that the order of scenes and sequences seems to be at random: a cut-and-paste job that could have had any other result. Indeed, after seeing it twice I am almost convinced of it that a unsatisfactory linear thought-out film was changed into the puzzle in the editing room. Egon Schiele was an enigmatic man, but not a total puzzle, and this film does not bring him any closer.The films also fails in conveying the eroticism and meaning of the Schiele`s paintings: the camera watches and glides over the models without any understanding of Schiele`s intentions, we only see beautiful naked bodies. If interested in Schiele, you better buy a book with his works in stead.
  • 2013-02-04 埃贡席勒在荷兰的仅有一副作品是他老婆Edith的肖像,Edith穿戴席勒工作室的黑色窗帘做的黑色斑斓的条纹裙子在婚礼前夜被画入画中,尽量许多评论家解读Edith似乎木偶般不知所措,但我却看到新娘子满满的羞怯和对未来生计的怯懦的凝视。埃贡的列传影戏永恒逃不开他的那几个缪斯女神,然则这部影戏奉迎到我,把真爱预设给了Edith,而陪他度过难关帮他躲过监狱之灾帮他生计起居给他做模特供应灵感的沃莉被他缘木求鱼的扔掉,渣男&影戏从他被未成年女孩模特诬蔑强奸(稳健雇佣收费劳动力)入狱劈头,重点用四幅画串起他悠长的终生一生没世(被烧的未成年肖像,死神与女孩,Edith的肖像和家人)端倪是显著的,然则不克不及细品。
  • 2005-05-03 从涉嫌诱拐未成年女孩入狱到卷入两个蜜斯的情爱胶葛,再到因疾早逝,影片以1912年的色情艺术过堂为中央,经由众多的片断和以瓜代的闪回递进构建这位奥地利表现主义画家的终生一生没世。心田独白与微观汗青相结合。开麦拉一再临摹画家视角凝视女性躯体,以室内临床的暮气窥视反衬性压制阶段和善行径随同的惊险。
  • 2003-04-20 吃软饭渣男埃贡席勒的终生一生没世浮现了太多太多漂亮的蜜斯,多到让人头昏眼花多到让人妒忌,艺术家的滥情和处处见谅,开进去的情色的是花,结出的果却大不相同。场景的构图颇有艺术感,但剪辑很迷连带着那些让人脸盲的蜜斯让全部故事也很迷,蜜斯的胴体在光影下挑起情欲,男人的赤身拍的就跟检疫肉猪似的。
  • 2000-10-09 女孩啊,把你的腿伸开!作为列传片真实有些七零八落,然则萌点如故有的。打酱油的克里姆特,他那贝多芬明白是02年的作品,楞给弄成了12年的事?蜜斯们的大腿和胸部真是好美,几段出彩的大抵在那。Mathieu Carrière萌,比确凿席勒吝啬许多。韦伯恩的曲子也不错。
  • 1998-03-02 席勒是嘈吵喧斗忧虑的男生,画如其人,粗砺的线条感等闲直接表现出暴烈的情绪鼓动感动,内中包含着始终扎挣的对殒命的敬畏,对女孩的渴仰。空气五星,表现主义的范儿很正。
  • 1986-05-01 #埃贡席勒的列传,要不是刚看了2016版这版不容易看懂的,人物联系关系没怎样先容,与16版对照,老婆埃迪特的情节减少,妹妹马尔蒂的没有了。
  • 1977-04-09 这部影戏各个角落洒满了情绪,以相似认识流的设法串联了各个风趣的处所,死神与女孩那部讲故事比这部显著多了,可这部的情绪沾染更佳。