
主演:Rosemarie Abella / Maribel Martí / Raül Molist / Maria Ros / Iurie Timbur导演:Neus Ballús言语:加泰罗尼亚语 / 西班牙语 / 俄语 地域: 法国 / 西班牙 / 德国 编剧:Neus Ballús / Pau Subirós典范:剧情上映时分:2013-09-06(西班牙)又名:The Plague用户标签:西班牙,法国,德国,剧情,2010s,2013,西班牙语片子,社会片长:82分钟imdb编号:tt2645142Raül, a farmer that tries to grow organic food, hires Iurie to help him in the fields. Iure is a Moldavian wrestling fighter, but in order to earn a living he has to work in whatever it comes. Slowly, their personal histories intertwine with those of three solitary women: Maria, an elder that has to leave the country house where she has always lived to join a retirement home; Rose, a nurse from Philippines who just arrived into the country; and Maribel, a prostitute that has less and less clients. The destinies of all these characters become entwined as the summer goes on. The Plague is a film of intertwining stories, that offers a moving portrait of life in the outskirts of Barcelona. The main characters are not actors. They play as themselves after four years of working with the director. This long process has permitted Ballús to reveal the uncertainty and the rebel spirit that underlies contemporary crisis-hit Spain.第26届欧洲片子奖费比西缔造奖(提名)Neus Ballús第28届西班牙戈雅奖最佳新人导演(提名)Neus Ballús
  • 2022-12-10 感覺個脚色還是很飽滿,不是專業演員的他們莫非表現何等人造。妓女人脚色沒有很直接講明,然则能讓人抓到她職業的點。而養老院裡的兩個脚色最為喜歡,好棒!關係時好時壞,有點像家人日常。電影開頭,摔角運動員的動作令我感受了人類的極限。而駝背老奶奶走路背影的姿態讓我表情有所震动,莫非這麼美。
  • 2022-12-10 很棒呀,另日导演见面会,这部是处女作还趁便跟这些非专业演员们生计了两年,拍实在的生计痛苦悲伤,确凿很无意。
  • 2022-12-05 原本想练练听力,后果只要三分之一是西班牙语,剩下的是加泰罗尼亚语和俄语
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