普通话 地域: 中国海洋 编剧:典范:
纪录片上映时候:又名:Mothers用户标签:纪录片,中国片子,计划生养,媽媽的村莊,中国,许慧晶,紀錄片,海洋片长:70分钟imdb编号:tt2893194張青梅是村裡的計生(計劃生养)主任,也是一個頂神的大仙(靈媒),承包著村裡的三官廟,供奉著送子娘娘。過去村裡每年都有一次集中的絕育义务,往年卻變成了兩次。实现不了絕育任務的村幹部則要被一票否決,領導決定展開铲除絕育釘子戶的行動,而當小學老師的榮榮成了必須实现的要紧任務。ZHANG Qing-mei is a birth control chief in a small village. When she`s off work, she also serves as a psychic in a temple that worships the `Goddess of Child-giving.` This year, the supervising township office commands that sterilization cases be doubled, though not many villagers want it at all. Some desperate officers are determined to send the reluctant mothers to operation rooms. Rong-rong, the elementary school teacher becomes a main target.第14届全州国际片子节国际片子较量单位 评审团大奖(提名)许慧晶第7届FIRST少年片子展少年片子较量 最佳纪录片(提名)许慧晶