
  • 导演:博卡·格德斯维特
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:106分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:7
Barry Crimmins is pissed. His hellfire brand of comedy has rained verbal lightning bolts on American audiences and politicians for decades, yet you`ve probably never heard of him. But once you`ve experienced Bobcat Goldthwait`s brilliant character portrait of him and heard Crimmins`s secret, you will never forget him. From his unmistakable bullish frame came a scathingly ribald stand-up style that took early audiences by force. Through stark, smart observation and judo-like turns of phrase, Crimmins`s rapid-fire comedy was a war on ignorance and complacency in `80s America at the height of an ill-considered foreign policy. Crimmins discusses another side of his character, revealing in detail a dark and painful past that inspired his life-changing campaign of activism in the hope of saving others from a similar experience. Interviews with comics like Margaret Cho and Marc Maron illustrate Crimmins`s love affair with comedy and his role in discovering and supporting the development of many of today`s stars. As a venerated member of America`s comic community, Crimmins could be your newest national treasure. Just don`t tell him that.第31届圣丹斯电影节评审团大奖 纪录片(提名)博卡·格德斯维特
  • 2008-04-23 看完才清晰call me lucky多么一个听起来轻松的名字原先对面是如斯惨重的儿童性侵话题。call me lucky for not becoming an evil person with so much burden from childhood which was supposed to be innocent and carefree. behind insanity there is always reason. once you get through, you can understand why it actually is sanity protective techniques
  • 2006-03-12 劈头以为是单口发展史...恋童癖的局部特殊overwhelmimg。但这类事说甚么都沉甸甸的,客观上我的确没有能力感同身受。Barry蛮可爱的,是个由于本身阅历对别人疾苦有厚实想象力的人,是始终坚持气愤的人,同时还能做成实事,让人敬服。
  • 2005-06-11 对于一个了不得的人的纪录片,那小我私家恰恰从事惨剧行业,他的笑话来自于他的气愤,气愤来自于他的疾苦。他发怒,观众拍手,他说疾苦的现实,观众回报以笑声。怎么办,全国等于这么乖谬
  • 2000-12-10 客岁寒假接的义务。感触:1.的确很难翻,用功p总的修饰+改过 2.心境惨重,哭了好几次 3.孩子一定要护卫好 4.儿童性侵者都该当剁了?8⃣从此凌迟正法
  • 1989-10-15 犹如知晓点惨剧的内核,有心思筹备,但如故被后半段的「转机」给打击到了。他像一艘船,一艘特殊好特殊好的航船,譬如你有时机登上这艘船,驾御好时机。
  • 1988-08-02 气愤的操行下包裹的是一颗创伤累累的魂魄。“咱们不克不及废弃成为卤莽、可笑、讨人厌的讲真话的人。”题目得到也是很合乎那小我私家的脾气了。
  • 1973-11-05 一位口无遮拦的脱口秀演员 心坎之中照样一个受伤软弱的野兽 他的獠牙亮给政客和不公 一样对准让他幼时心灵受伤的恋童癖者