主演:Chris Langham导演:Chris Durlacher言语:
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纪录片上映时候:2003-06-14别号:用户标签:纪录片,乔治•奥威尔,BBC,英国,GeorgeOrwell,经典纪录片,Documentary,ChrisDurlacher片长:imdb编号:tt0396031George Orwell - A Life in Pictures `SOMEBODY HAD a huge amount of fun making George Orwell: A Life in Pictures (BBC Two, Sunday) — the producer-director Chris Durlacher to be precise. In my college teaching days, we would get our media students to try to mimic the photographic or film styles of the past. They were useful and usually popular exercises.This biography turned out to be the Media Studies exercise to end them all. The narrator Barbara Flynn explained that there are no moving images of George Orwell nor surviving recordings of his voice. Given that we have wax cylinders of Tennyson croaking his way through The Charge of the Light Brigade, this is disappointing.`