
  • 电影别名:十月建造的房屋2
  • 导演:Bobby
  • 演员:Brandy 、Zack 、Mikey
  • 类型:恐怖
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  Recovering from the trauma of being kidnapped last Halloween by the Blue Skeleton - a group who take `extreme haunt` to another level - five friends decide they mustface their fears in order to move on. Heading back out on the road to visit more haunted house attractions| signs of the Blue Skeleton start appearing again and anew terror begins.
  • 2017-10-08 这鬼片有贵吗
  • 2017-10-07 烂片
  • 2017-10-06 如下剧情简介是机翻。寒暄着看吧,总比没有强: 从被绑架客岁万圣节的蓝色骨架-一组谁采纳“极端困扰”到另一个程度,五个敌人挑选他们必必要承继面临他们的畏怯的创伤中规复。前去的路上观赏更多的鬼屋景点符号的蓝色骨架开端涌现又开端新的可骇。
  • 2017-10-06 丢脸吗?
  • 2017-10-06 鬼片吗?