
  • 电影别名:CurseoftheDemon 、魔鬼的诅咒
  • 导演:雅克·特纳
  • 演员:达纳·安德鲁斯 、佩吉·卡敏斯 、尼尔·麦吉尼斯 、MauriceDenham 、阿西妮·瑟伦 、LiamRedmond 、ReginaldBeckwith 、EwanRoberts 、BrianWilde 、RichardLeech
  • 类型:恐怖
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-13
  • 片长:95 分钟 / USA: 83 分钟(cut)
  • 豆瓣评分:3
主演:达纳·安德鲁斯 / 佩吉·卡敏斯 / 尼尔·麦吉尼斯 / Maurice Denham / 阿西妮·瑟伦 / Liam Redmond / Reginald Beckwith / Ewan Roberts / Brian Wilde / Richard Leech / Lloyd Lamble / Charles Lloyd Pack / Percy Herbert导演:雅克·特纳言语:英语 地域: 英国 编剧:查尔斯·贝内特 / 哈尔·E·切斯特 / M.R. James / 赛·恩菲尔德范例:胆寒上映时分:1957-12-17又名:Curse of the Demon / 妖怪的詈骂用户标签:胆寒,英国,JacquesTourneur,Jacques_Tourneur,惊悚,1950s,雅克·特纳,1957片长:95 分钟 / USA: 83 分钟(cut)imdb编号:tt0050766American psychologist John Holden arrives in London to participate in a symposium aiming to expose witchcraft and devil-worship as a fraud, with attention centered on a cult run by a Julian Karswell. Debarking his plane, Holden learns that the symposium leader, Henry Harrington, has suddenly died and he is now in charge. What only the audience knows is that Harrington was clearly killed by a demon, apparently summoned by Karswell to avenge his persecution. Despite both threatening and cajoling behavior by Karswell, Holden determines to proceed, though the only cult member willing to talk about his experiences is in a prison psychiatric ward, catatonic after allegedly killing yet another cult member. However, Harrington`s niece, Joanna, believes, based on her uncle`s notes, that Karswell may indeed have some satanic powers derived from an ancient tome in an obscure language which he has been able to translate, and attempts to warn the skeptic Holden. Karswell`s mother also attempts to warn Holden off. However, the thing which begins to most get to Holden are the occasional, but mounting, sensory and mental disturbances he begins experiencing after an encounter with Karswell, and the discovery that, during this encounter, Karswell secretly slipped a slip of parchment with a curse in runic symbols on it into Holden`s belongings, a parchment identical to one Harrington recorded having had passed to him in a similar manner shortly before his death... [N.B. Holden at no point stays at the Karswell estate].
  • 2022-12-06 1.从开篇树林的飘游鬼雾,到中段空阔豪宅的惊魂密屋、末端火车呼哧而过的惩戒恶灵,雅克·特纳彩色恐惊片里的每一处“魔临时刻”皆是此般精彩的弘大创想,令人盛感惊惧与欢喜。2.明暗交错的表现主义光影兼与黑白片子质感的探侦解谜(同及《豹族》)。3.空气的奇特把控&记挂的大雅铺陈可谓当今同类作品的绝佳类型;纸条转达詈骂的预设颇为超前,猫幻化成豹的场景则致敬《化身博士》。(8.5/10)
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  • 2022-12-01 3.5 minimally aka Drag Me to Hell【BluRay】magnet:?xt=urn:btih:A15CE369805417F323C7B517302B03CC10047CFD英字-of-the-demon/english/823560中字
  • 2022-11-30 3.5minimallyakaDragMetoHell【BluRay】magnet:?xt=urn:btih:A15CE369805417F323C7B517302B03CC10047CFD英字-of-the-demon/english/823560中字
  • 2022-11-23 3.5星,恶魔太low,不显露恶魔的真容才是下策。低潮局部的火车戏剪辑的很杰出全片的最亮点。影片对后代的障碍不用赘述可是集体感到受这片障碍最大的应该是柳条人。PS雅克.特纳是无可救药的猫控。。。
  • 2022-11-14 特纳俨然即是心思恐惊,怪兽镜头是制片人本人加上去的,照样特摄片那种,专门呆哈哈哈哈。Presented by Dario Argento in Locarno,Dario也很呆萌哈哈哈哈
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