
  • 电影别名:"WideAngle"ChinaPrep
  • 导演:MarijeMeerman
  • 演员:JayO.Sanders
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:54分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:4
主演:Jay O. Sanders导演:Marije Meerman言语:英语 地域: 美国 编剧:典范:上映时候:2008-08-12别号:`Wide Angle` China Prep用户标签:纪录片,高考,学员,China,美国,PBS,Documentary,美国纪录片片长:54分钟imdb编号:tt1379155As the world’s attention turns to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, WIDE ANGLE reports on how the next generation of Chinese leaders is being molded.China Prep follows five Chinese students through their final high-pressure year at an elite high school in Sichuan Province. Eighteen hundred students vie for spots in Beijing’s top two universities. Last year only 59 made it.Studying seven days a week, the students’ lives are regimented almost every minute of the day as they prepare for the end-of-year exam that can determine their fate. For many students from poor or rural backgrounds, a strong performance on the test is the only way to climb the social ladder and excel without connections. Competition is fierce and the majority of high school seniors will be relegated to vocational schools.We meet Zhang Lie, who wants to study law and become a Communist Party member like her father; Mei Jiachin, a genius mathematician from a farming family; Chen Zhibo, a misfit science student with big plans to become China’s Bill Gates; and Gao Mengjia, a dedicated student who loves money and aspires to be a hedge fund manager.Nicknamed the “I want” generation by the Chinese press, these only children – the sole focus of their parents’ and grandparents’ nurturing under China’s one-child policy – will be the new class of corporate managers, lawyers, and civil servants who are expected to propel 21st century China to surpass the United States as the largest economy in the world.How do the ambitions of these teenagers reflect the realities of today and tomorrow’s China? Who among them will be most likely to succeed – the daughter of the Party official or the farmer’s son? Who will be the boss?
  • 2022-12-05 感到个体基调有种俯视感,加上一个接一个的close-up,不知为何让人很不舒服。但并且也让本人反思,是否是本人在做其余文明布景的电影的时间也会有一样的成就显现。也想起了曩昔看过的衡水中学也是对于高考的一个纪录片,切入点就残破不一样。固然咱们毕竟应当置身于其外还是从外向外看,怎么拔取角度
  • 2022-11-19 高一刚退学时间英语先生就天天晚自习前放一点。好象预示着进高中过三年便是为了末端这个测验。断断续续莫非放了许久。内容已经忘清洁了,但记得每次看完紧接着自习全副班好象都布满能量暗自比力…(厥后觉察是天天都在比力)他日高考第一天,加油。
  • 2022-11-08 果不其然,拍摄根本便是美国人那一套波动头脑情势。题外话,尽管高考被人诟病,但在此刻的情况下,它都是是决议计划人材的最好最偏颇主张了。一些唧唧歪歪的苦恼拿出一套现实可行的改造测验设计再来挑刺吗。
  • 2022-11-06 片中有个小妞,排名老在年级十五到十七名牢固,家长以为成就坎坷太大,末端也没考好,只能去人大学税法。嗯,真励志~
  • 2022-11-05 科举制高妙之处在于,受过高等教育,霸占话语权的大多根本其受益者。而落榜者的声响少有耳闻。
  • 2022-11-05 许久曩昔看的,还隐隐记得这个小女孩的话,“唯独心是自在的就没有甚么器材能困住你”
  • 2022-10-21 从豆瓣的探究来看,看过此片的同砚大根本高考的获利者。这正说明了咱们高考的偏颇