
  • 电影别名:马戏千秋 、空中吊架
  • 导演:卡罗尔·里德
  • 演员:伯特·兰卡斯特BurtLancaster 、吉娜·劳洛勃丽吉达GinaLollobrigida 、托尼·柯蒂斯
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语意大利语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:105 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:4
主演:伯特·兰卡斯特 Burt Lancaster / 吉娜·劳洛勃丽吉达 Gina Lollobrigida / 托尼·柯蒂斯导演:卡罗尔·里德言语:英语 / 意大利语 地域: 美国 编剧:连姆·奥布赖恩典范:剧情上映时候:1956-05-30又名:马戏千秋 / 高空吊架用户标签:美国,卡罗尔·里德,美国片子,1950s,BurtLancaster,剧情,TonyCurtis,Carol_Reed片长:105 分钟imdb编号:tt0049875Mike Ribble was once a great trapeze artist - and the only to have completed a triple somersault - before his accident. Tino joins the circus, and manages to covince Mike to teach him the `triple`. Meanwhile Lola, a tumbler, wants to get in on the act. Written by Colin Tinto {cst@imdb.com}---------------------------------------------Tino Orsini has learned the trapeze from his father but he travels to Europe to seek out Mike Ribble, one of the few men who has managed to complete a triple somersault. Ribble no longer works the trapeze and now walks with a cane after a nasty fall left him a cripple. Orsini convinces him to act as his catcher and all is well until the gold digging Lola, who`ll do just about anything to become part of a major circus act, arrives on the scene. Her presence creates friction between the two men and puts in doubt whether Tino will ever accomplish the elusive triple. Written by garykmcd---------------------------------------------Mike Ribble was the sixth trapeze artist ever to complete an almost impossible triple somersault. Naturally gifted Tino Orsini wants to be the seventh, if he can only persuade a retired Ribble to teach him how and to be his catcher. Ribble retired from the high flying following his trapeze accident, which not only broke his body - he now walks with a limp and a cane - but more importantly his spirit. Orsini`s enthusiasm eventually brings Ribble`s spirit back to life. `Ribble & Orsini` become the talk of the circus as they work on the triple somersault. However, Lola, a acrobat in the same circus, will do whatever she needs to do to make sure the circus spotlight is solely on her. Written by Huggo
  • 2022-12-11 兰卡斯特年青时分等于在马戏团的,直到受伤后才退出当了影戏演员,这部影戏还真是别人生的写照了。事前差不多四十几岁的他听说除了谁人三周跳基本本人实现的整个飞人口头,不屈弗成。也难怪他身段那么完善了。。。故事的情绪戏有点莫名吧,感到女主角吉娜只管即便小器美艳,却难以和兰卡斯特或柯蒂斯中的任何一个发作火花,反却是他俩配得很,假定戏份再多点,那等于另一出《胜利的味道》啦。卡罗尔里德的无数镜头都颇有压迫感,单干偏偏就很危殆欣慰的马戏扮演,多场戏都令人屏息凝思
  • 2022-12-02 马戏团里的恋爱故事,高明武艺,抛、接、腾踊、转变、团身,身段的完善姿势在额头之上展示,流通的空间切割、粘贴与重组。高空飞人,将冒险家的精力展示得极尽描摹。幸而,在意味晚期家当文化古迹的马戏团扮演走向陵夷的起点线上,Ribble学员依然收成了恋爱。男性视角误解了女主的抽象,幸亏终局完善
  • 2022-11-27 看收尾以为是温情励志剧我真是大错特错……Mike→Tino→Lola→Mike的轮回三角相称萌,不过剧情几乎把女主塑组成反派洗都洗不返来是否是有点玩脱,imdb上都有两个帖子把她当作破损两男主情绪的小三声讨了orz
  • 2022-11-22 原先伯特兰卡斯特原本等于马戏团诞生,此片也确实是其实质出演了。本片里三个人物之间的关连错综复杂张力实足,然而收尾有点让人捉摸不透~
  • 2022-11-20 各种人物都有特色,侏儒、蟒蛇、马技、火圈、小丑等经典马戏团元素;倒立说话,街边杂耍;三角关连的僵持,女主的改变;
  • 2022-10-30 [黑白][柏林影戏节]弓手中文字幕(大怪异(Grinch);@feifei5715
  • 2022-10-24 确凿很白学……”No one’s gonna come between.”