《木乃伊女士的诅咒》高清下载 在线播放

  • 电影别名:伊西斯暴动
  • 导演:LisaPalenica
  • 演员:PriyaRai 、JamesBartholet 、MichaelAlvarez 、William`Bill`Connor 、RobinDanielEgan 、JoshuaDuMond
  • 类型:恐怖片
  • 国家:美国
  • 片长:81分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:6
主演:Priya Rai / James Bartholet / Michael Alvarez / William `Bill` Connor / Robin Daniel Egan / Joshua DuMond导演:Lisa Palenica言语: 区域: 美国 编剧:典型:惧怕上映时候:1-18又名:伊西斯暴乱用户标签:烂片,美国,渣滓,惊悚,惧怕,美国片子,片子,埃及片长:81分钟imdb编号:tt2441232In ancient Egypt, Isis and Osiris ruled the land. All were happy for the couple except one, Set, a jealous man who killed Osiris in order to take over his kingdom. Isis snuck into Osiris` tomb and tried to raise him from the dead using her black magic. Set caught Isis in the act and had Osiris cut to pieces, with each piece buried in a different part of the land, so Isis could never again raise her husband. Isis vowed to avenge Osiris` death and return with him to rule over all the worlds. Now, six college students Kyle, Dustin, Felicia, Jay, Serena and Amy take their last course in archeology in anticipation for graduation. Their last assignment is to uncover and document the museum`s new acquisitions with their teacher, Professor Shields and world-renowned Egyptologist Dr. Nasir. During the night they haphazardly awaken the ancient spirit of Isis` lost soul and her wrath is unleashed on the group. As students start to disappear one by one, they must band together to stop Isis from ...
红牛云 金鹰云
  • 2004-07-01 这类鄙俚的影片能涌现也回声了今世美国片子市场的一个局势。片头方案及音乐套用《美国恐怖故事》,终场故事宛然进入A片全国,找了几个年轻演员一点姿色没有不说,在播放到38:38的时分,拍摄现场举收声器的小弟全影上镜,再到其后那传授找到古埃及几千年前不死之书,我看到的风貌是当初装帧的。看不上来
  • 2003-11-05 拍摄状况粗陋,繁多;台词大部分是黄色段子,而我底子没get到笑点,整场听上去黑人问号脸;最重要的是演员演技强调到不忍直视。鬼领略我是若何保持看上去的。
  • 2002-03-12 看的是图解。终场的置景太寒暄,故事为了吓人和情色险些不讲甚么逻辑,属于为了被吐槽而生的片子
  • 1999-08-06 扫尾很无趣,历程不算特意吸引人,为了回生爱的人去做一些事务,但是收尾很荒诞乖张很猛然
  • 1989-01-30 真想给负分啊。。甚么烂片。情节无趣演员种种丑。全剧都在向三级片汇集吧。。
  • 1981-07-13 超喜感。这类低成本营造既不是A片又在向A片汇集,女生理应都看一遍。
  • 1976-11-06 槽点满满的剧感到像是专业影视爱好者拍的但糙管糙,还是有金句涌现~