
  • 电影别名:SilomSoi2
  • 导演:PiyaRangsitienchai
  • 类型:剧情同性
  • 国家:泰国
  • 语言:泰语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:90分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:1
主演:导演:Piya Rangsitienchai言语:泰语 地域: 泰国 编剧:典范:剧情 / 同性上映时候:2006-06-09又名:Silom Soi 2用户标签:泰国,同道,Gay,泰国片子,同性,恋爱,片子,亚洲片长:90分钟imdb编号:tt0823257Silom Soi 2, named after Bangkok`s gay club district, is a sweet, if formulaic, cautionary tale about Thai love in the age of AIDS. Boy meets boy. Boy gets boy, i.e., gets him away from getting a lot of other boys. Boy settles down with boy. And then wild seeds, sewn and long forgotten, germinate into cruel thorns.The story unfolds through a series of brief scenes, each introduced with a single English word title, presented in alphabetic order (A-Art, B-Background, C-Click...). Why English chapter titles sequenced in Roman alphabetic order were used to organize a Thai language film is unclear! Perhaps the film was written with a foreign market in mind. Or these vignette titles may have been retrofitted for the English subtitled version.The leads are beautiful young men. Their pas de deux of attraction, flirtation, passion, hurt, distancing, re-engagement is endearing and believable. Direction occasionally errs in its use of over-lingering facial reaction shots that skew momentarily melodramatic. The original musical score is lovely and initially quite effective, though extensive repetition of key themes taxes them past their initial effectiveness. Possibly the greatest strength of the film is the melding of its cinematography and art direction, creating vivid images throughout the film, striking in their use of color, line and human form. Visual artfulness elevates this simple, sincerely conveyed story,
  • 2022-12-05 似乎是故事有些老套,让人看了有些无趣。但依旧有些器械值得寄望的。本来幸福的一对,却没有逃过艾滋的魔爪。瞒哄本相是他爱他的显示,不离不弃是他爱他的证实。似乎世上另有药物不克不及治愈的疾病,然而没有爱不克不及津润的心灵。爱永恒不会被疾病战胜,爱是全能的药物,让性命得以连续,让性命得以绽开精采
  • 2022-11-27 其实是silom soi2之套套很要紧。这片其实是太诡异了。。配乐时光充溢着回绝黄赌毒的范儿,辉煌光耀冷硬,选角落差太大!!跟男人街相关不大 叫星巴克也行叫7-11也行。。太诡异了
  • 2022-11-15 两位男主的颜依旧能够的,然而...谁人狗血同样的剧情是怎么回事?谁人都是能够就是没有的配乐是怎么回事?要不要每一段来个英文字幕表现本人高端样子容貌上档次?!
  • 2022-11-12 面临难得的两位颜都尚可的男主这渣同样的剧情真是他妈暴殄天物!用英文字母程序给影片分段这类很恶心的手腕确切很呵呵好吗!
  • 2022-11-03 除了男主Kaeng 的颜值能看一看之外。 剧情,台词 ,逻辑都不是日常的烂!
  • 2022-10-18 比构想中差许多,几句话加几个镜头的片子不如叫宣传片,况且镜头也不好看。
  • 2022-10-16 还行,便是云云。字母布置有点文艺,内容泛泛。做母亲的很淡定。。。