
  • 电影别名:爱人不要杀我
  • 导演:GormanBechard
  • 演员:CarmineCapobianco
  • 类型:喜剧恐怖
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:1987-12-13
  • 片长:88 分钟
This horror comedy is at least as funny as `Scary Movie,` and justas lacking in plot. Joe, a bar owner and part time psychotic killer,meets Kate, a manicurist and part time psychotic killer. They bondover their hatred of grapes (I am not making this up), and decide tomarry, and keep their relationship from interfering with theirrespective murdering.The female lead, Kate, looks a lot like Molly Ringwald. Joe lookslike me with a beard. There is a subplot involving a plumber whoeats his victims who has a run in with Kate and Joe, but that reallydoes not go anywhere.What can I write about a movie with that kind of plot? There arequite a few bloody murders and even more nude women, which isweird for a low budget film like this. There are too many scenes ofrape, and the acting is less than stellar. The film quickly makes itspoint about love and marriage being hard, even when you aremurderers, and then beats it to death for 88 minutes.The actors do have fun with the genre, however. There is a funnywedding scene that rips off `who`s on first?` One scene has theactors talking when a boom mike bonks them in the head, theysweep it aside without a second glance. The writers play with tonsof film making conventions to the point that you realize this is notgoing to be a Shakespearean, or even Adam Sandlerian, smartcomedy.I just cannot believe how much I laughed through this. Joe andKate would argue about where their relationship is going whiledisposing of bodies. The plumber/killer/cannibal is very good. Thegore is cheap but good.I recommend this like I recommended `Scary Movie,` with somereservations and a stern warning that this will probably not enrichyour life in any way. Bon appetit!This is unrated but contains strong physical violence, gunviolence, sexual violence, strong gore, profanity, strong femalenudity, and strong sexual references.
  • 2022-12-13 故事和叙说气势派头甚爱。两个都特别厌恶葡萄的杀人狂一见倾心,坠入爱河,天天视而不见的谈杀人的事,时一直寻找个猎物,终极恋情消散了杀人的兴致,他们决定金盆洗手。打坏车玻璃看片子,打不死的脱衣舞娘,食尸癖的水督工,抽出带子用胶片看怯弱片子,林林总总的受害者。素日还对着镜头互动,配乐也兴奋诙谐,厥后以为是复旧片,没想到真是八十年代的。最后的终局出人意表,真正打破了第邻近墙,两集团从餐厅进去,吵吵闹闹的握别,一时摸不清甚么寄意,可以导演舍不得让他俩死吧。女主真难看,好喜好。
  • 2022-12-10 虽说是低成本的怯弱血腥分割典范的片子,然而意外埠觉得很不错,两个杀人狂从以杀人嗜血为乐到相互恩爱想要金盆洗手,成果遇上一个食人水督工,两端拌杂一些冷笑话、情色戏码,短发女主Debi Thibeault确切很难看呀,怅然出演的片子不是很多。
  • 2022-11-30 脚本是导演和男主在脱衣舞酒吧写成的,用两个连环杀人狂作为浪漫恋情悲剧的副角是个不错的创意,胜利的怯弱悲剧素日已经怯弱为主、悲剧为辅,怅然戈尔曼·贝沙尔效仿的器械更多是伍迪·艾伦而非希区柯克
  • 2022-11-25 挺有味的,因為那種幾十年前的低成本粗拙感。同时,還幾次破第邻近牆,這男男女女人倫倫轉轉,挺诙谐的hhhh
  • 2022-11-20 往常海外冷门难找资本,通过一直极力终于本人在国外资本站找到了资本,很不错的凶杀恐影
  • 2022-10-28 不儘脚色設定有意思,那首定情歌也好聽,最後還把偽紀錄片的攝製組拍攝過程拉到幕前
  • 2022-10-21 说是悲剧也确切get获取 生怕便是让我一直嘴角抽搐眇小一笑的水平