
  • 电影别名:万物既伟大又渺小:2020圣诞特别集
  • 导演:安迪·海伊
  • 演员:尼古拉斯·瑞夫 、瑞秋·申顿 、迈克·哈丁 、安娜·梅德利 、卡勒姆·伍德豪斯 、萨缪尔·韦斯特 、艾米·纳托尔 、弗朗西斯·托姆利 、MollieWinnard 、托尼·皮茨 、威尔·索普 、AidenCook 、ImogenClawson
  • 类型:剧情喜剧
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-13
  • 片长:60分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:4
In the Christmas special, it’s Christmas in Darrowby, and Helen and James realise they haven’t agreed on where they’re spending Christmas Day. Mrs Hall is expecting them at Skeldale and Jenny is expecting them at Heston Grange, and the pair are reluctant to disappoint either of them. The situation raises bigger questions about what their lives will look like in the future. When a beloved local pet is taken seriously ill, Siegfried has to bring it into the practice for emergency treatment. In the face of such an emergency, Helen ends up feeling like a spare part at the Skeldale Christmas party, but fellow farmer Dave Kitson could end up being the solution to Helen finding her place at Skeldale, and the key to the animal’s survival. Tristan learns that it might be time to take himself more seriously and reveals some important news, while a card from James’s father asking him to phone them on Christmas Day leaves James on tenterhooks about whether he can make amends with his family.
  • 2022-12-13 洋溢对人和植物的最大好意和爱 // healing power of love. who doesn\'t feel better knowing there\'s someone there who cares for them //Mrs Pumphrey 刻画 Tricki Woo: he may be small, but he fills every room of that house with such love and life // 来岁便是1939二战起头
  • 2022-11-22 真好。我又好了。终于让小可爱弟弟通过了测验。那段打骂笑死我了。Tricky注射前的那段看得我眼泪都出来了,前面一路部署一路奖励也是。尚有James给妈妈和爸爸打电话何处,烧木头何处都真温馨啊,而后一架飞机就把时候线拉到了实际。
  • 2022-11-11 这应该是二战前末端一个亲切的圣诞节了吧,窗外战机划过夜空,屋内人人把酒言欢、灯火通明,圣诞节便是要与家人敌人团圆,苟且又温馨。James末端朗读《交情地久天长》的诗句让我依稀看到了昔时《唐顿庄园》的影子
  • 2022-11-10 末端一幕,飞机出来了。小本说:I have nothing to offer but blood toil tears and sweat. 我笑着对妻说:那个香火我算是给老祖宗给续上了。
  • 2022-11-06 看到去pumphery家一路过节我不外激动,看到James给怙恃打电话确凿哭了。最大的孤立便是家人不在周围了吧。别的战役宛若要来了。守候第三季!最好多点植物情节啊!
  • 2022-11-05 又哭又笑的看完了这五十分钟,若干感想在心中涌起。对小植物的爱,对周围亲朋的爱,对本人所弃取的职业的爱,对全副全国的爱,让那个圣诞节变得云云温馨又美妙。
  • 2022-10-23 开头预示着下一季可以不再云云祥和了,war is coming,不论日后怎样,当下还是要坚持希翼,Merry Christmas!