
头脑灵活的古惑仔阿旦(张家辉饰)为人贪财,情意欠奉,视周围全部兄弟大佬如钱树子,多年来只需一兄弟阿劲(彭敬慈饰)留在他的周围,两兄弟在江湖上胡混过活。一次由于贪玩整蛊对头大佬雷气(黄秋生饰),白白令雷遗失百万,再加上阿旦吞了年老虎豹昆(李耀明饰)二十万公款,两兄弟不经意中成为江湖通缉犯只需选择双双跑路。二人乘上来日诰日第一班机,直飞泰国布吉岛。一时间阳光海滩尽入眼皮,两人过上了安宁自在的度假生存。。二人就在这时先后相逢心目中的女神;阿劲赶上有纹身的清纯美女孩(安雅饰),阿旦则赶上混身分发小姐神韵的阿澄(黄卓玲饰)。两对恋人起头坠入爱河,但是恶运很快又降临了。阿澄的男友原来就是对头大佬雷;美女孩亦有惊人身份:她是一个以清纯作掩盖的浓艳杀手!雷蓦地在布吉岛呈现,实为追回女友澄。澄对雷说已对他获取感到,只管才决然出奔。雷则谋略无论如何也要追回女友,谁不知澄的背地尚有一个大诡计,她是雷太派往雷周围的一个情贼,方针是雷的声控保险箱暗码。阿旦原以为可利用雷的呈现挽救在香港的艰难,二人由冤家身份发展出点点滴滴的交情。阿旦、阿澄、雷更人不知;鬼不觉间堕入一个巧妙的三角关联中,而目前昆又派人下杀手,欲夺雷在香港的全体,世人在手无寸铁的情况下面临来袭...... 英文: Ah flexible brains Dan Young and Dangerous (张家辉decoration) much money, no friendship, all the brothers, as his big brothers, such as money-spinner for many years, only one brother Ah Jin (Pang King-chee decorative) left at his side, the two brothers in the political arena lead a loose life to live. Tricky fun time because mine enemies Gangster gas (Anthony Wong ornaments), in vain to make the loss of millions of mine, along with Dan Ah Kun wolves to swallow the big brother (Li Yaoming decoration) 200,000 of public funds, the two brothers inadvertently become wanted Jianghu跑路only choice is both.They boarded the first flight the following day, non-stop Phuket. A time to do the sun and the beaches to the eye, they had a leisurely life of the resort. . At this time the two have met in the eyes of the goddess; Ah Jin`s tattoo when pure girl (Anja ornaments), Dan is when all the Arab-Israeli woman distributed a charm阿澄(黄卓玲decoration). Two pairs of lovers began to fall in love, but soon came the bad luck. Boyfriend is the original阿澄Gangster mine enemies; girls are also amazing in his capacity as the United States: She is a pure浓艳for the killer to cover up!Ray suddenly appear in Phuket, it is for the recovery of his girlfriend Elizabeth. Elizabeth said of the mine where he has been feeling lost, so it took away. In any case mine is intended to recover his girlfriend, who I do not know Weicheng behind a conspiracy, she was sent to Ray Ray is too close to the situation of a thief, with the aim of voice-activated mines safe password. Dan thought that the Arab-Israeli can make use of mine rescue the emergence of problems in Hong Kong, two from the enemy in his capacity as the development of friendship点点滴滴. Ah Dan,阿澄, mine even unknowingly into a delicate triangular relationship, and also sent at this time under the Queensland killer欲夺all mine in Hong Kong, people in situations unarmed attack ... ...
  • 2022-12-12 雷哥:你体会甚么叫做feel吗?阿旦:...总之,兄弟帮,妙。三对着末都真爱的美满HE也是很好了。阿劲因而着末和阿旦有着BE的伤害不外看片尾寄照片看来还好啊...!家辉辉和你草后半段对手戏全程多可憎就不说了,和彭敬慈(身体)是真骚...真实,这素养是个蹦极解压宣传片。
  • 2022-12-02 居然是林超贤的片 不体会想讲啥 有无厘头黑色幽默因而倒也可不能以为指望浪费时间 就轻轻松松看上去了 可是网上找取得的都太糊了 有时候都看不清谁演了啥 看到47分钟张家辉大特写我才看出他留了胡子张家辉的身体确实好青年哦
  • 2022-11-29 2009年12月5日標記想看。快10年了,終於給看了。早年看的話就普普通通啦,頭尾可笑,中間悶悶的,可是,夠純情啊哈哈哈哈哈。現在看覺得太寶貴了,畢竟已經根底見不到這種無無聊聊賤賤格格中又帶點小閃光的电影了。
  • 2022-11-07 我抵赖由于对导演和主演的公道多给了一颗星0.0此时来看营建粗拙有始无终有点惋惜了扫尾还挺有料的感到林导想塞许多方法惋惜着末没说完所有故事急急收尾类似的黑色幽默在《江湖求助》中就体现的很好
  • 2022-10-26 10年前睇特意搞笑,而家睇先缔造本人当年的笑点真低.....这样渣的电影我还以为是王晶导演的,居然是林超贤导演的...大跌眼镜。这部片比《买凶拍人》还要渣....
  • 2022-10-26 林超贤差不多也是能拍出这样轻松黑色幽默的影戏,无数次被笑爆嘴,张小辉和黄小草几乎笑死了!! 统统脑补成俩人追一女成果俩人拉手搞基的剧情,根底停不上去XDDD
  • 2022-10-24 林超贤差不多也是能拍出这样轻松黑色幽默的影戏,无数次被笑爆嘴,张小辉和黄小草几乎笑死了!!统统脑补成俩人追一女成果俩人拉手搞基的剧情,根底停不上去XDDD