With their Mother dying of cancer, intent on changing her will to benefit her “new” husband before she dies, two brothers go to extreme and deadly lengths to protect their inheritance from being signed away before it’s too late.
2005-06-02 “You’ve a cold, cold heart. It’s a cruel, cruel world. Turning your trick. Destroyed by the twist of an ice-cold heart.....”超赞的插曲?超赞的编剧、导演、演员?专门赞的一部电影。原生家庭或者说不称职的怙恃是全部喜剧的滥觞,他们给孩童锻造了一颗冷漠的心,而被毒害的孩童长大后又给天下觉察了光线。头一次质疑豆瓣的打分,这部影戏应该拿高分。