
  • 导演:汤姆·克雷格
  • 演员:肖恩·宾 、布莱恩·考克斯 、阿松波塔·塞尔纳
  • 类型:动作历史冒险
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:1993-12-12
  • 片长:102分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:7
主演:肖恩·宾 / 布莱恩·考克斯 / 阿松波塔·塞尔纳导演:汤姆·克雷格言语:英语 区域: 英国 编剧:Eoghan Harris典型:行动 / 汗青 / 冒险上映时候:1993-05-05(英国)又名:用户标签:英国,和平,seanbean,沙普系列,拿破仑和平,汗青,Sean-Bean,1990s片长:102分钟imdb编号:tt0108108Richard Sharpe is a scrappy Sergeant with the second Battalion of the 95th Rifles. After bravely saving the life of the Sir Arthur Wellesley (the future Duke of Wellington), Sharpe is rewarded with a field commission, making him a lieutenant.In command of the 95th Rifles under Captain Murray, Sharpe soon finds that they are an undisciplined bunch.Neither Murray nor the men of the Rifles are prepared to accept Sharpe`s command, because ‘proper’ officers are not raised from the ranks. His first mission is to go behind enemy lines to locate James Rothschild, an agent missing in Casa Antiga, with badly-needed funds for the British army.Sharpe has his first encounter with Commandante Teresa and Major Don Blas Vivar, on watch in the hills when Sharpe’s company is attacked.All except Sharpe and a small band of Chosen Men are killed.Sharpe continues with the mission he has been given, and Teresa and Blas Vivar agree to go with Sharpe to Casa Antiga if Sharpe will accompany them on their own mission to Torrecastro afterwards.When they find Casa Antiga, it has been attacked by the French under Colonel de l`Eclin, but there is no sign of Rothschild.Left behind are a Methodist couple, Mr. and Mrs. Parker and their daughter Louisa.The family are taken into Sharpe`s protection.Sharpe discovers his real mission is to escort one of Spain’s holiest relics, an ancient flag, and he doesn`t wish to continue to Torrecastro.But Vivar`s request is reinforced by the appearance of Maj. Hogan, Wellington`s `exploring officer`.Sharpe is ordered to hold the town while the relic of St. James is flown to inspire the Spanish to rise up against the French.
  • 2022-11-26 拿破仑阶段,水师看Hornblower,步卒看Sharpe。西班牙贵族女说盟友之间不能有潜藏,Sean Bean一副马龙白兰度暮气号街车里的神色说:Lovers keep secrets, but they still make love……而后气氛刹时凝聚。
  • 2022-11-18 拿破仑阶段,水师看Hornblower,步卒看Sharpe。西班牙贵族女说盟友之间不能有潜藏,SeanBean一副马龙白兰度暮气号街车里的神色说:Loverskeepsecrets,buttheystillmakelove……而后气氛刹时凝聚。
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  • 2022-11-06 1813的来复枪队哦~~喜爱那个年月的人可就有福了,整整十五部影戏冉冉看~~哇哈哈哈
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