
  • 电影别名:苦宴
  • 导演:JoeMaggio
  • 演员:James 、乔舒华·莱纳德 、Amy 、拉里·法森顿 、Megan 、John 、马里奥·巴塔利 、Tobias 、Owen 、Jesse 、Sean 、Paula 、Allie 、Graham
  • 类型:喜剧恐怖惊悚
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 片长:95
  • 豆瓣评分:5
  • IMDB评分:6.1/10 (140 votes)
◎译名苦宴◎片名Bitter Feast◎年月2010◎国度美国◎种别惨剧/害怕/惊悚◎言语英语◎字幕中英双字◎IMDB评分 6.1/10 (140 votes)◎文件样式XviD + MP3◎视频尺寸624 x 352◎文件巨细1CD◎片长95 mins◎导演Joe Maggio◎主演James LeGros ... Peter Grey 乔舒华·莱纳德 Joshua Leonard ... JT Franks Amy Seimetz ... Katherine Franks 拉里·法森顿 Larry Fessenden ... William Coley Megan Hilty ... Peg John Speredakos ... Phil 马里奥·巴塔利 Mario Batali ... Gordon Tobias Campbell ... Young Peter Owen Campbell ... Johnny Jesse Coleman ... TV Reporter Sean Reid ... Co-Worker Paula El Sherif ... Cooking Show Guest Allie Nelson ... Fan Girl At Bookstore Graham Reznick ... Local Newscaster ◎简介如雷贯耳的博客作者J. T. Franks (Joshua Leonard, Humpday, The Blair Witch Project) 颁发了一篇谎话,招致电视良庖Peter Grey的餐饮帝国隆然崩裂。Grey绑架了Franks,以极为尖刻的希求苦难后者的烹饪身手。(文/life_is_good@YDY)A food critic can dish it out, but can he take it? Revenge is on the menu for notorious blogger J. T. Franks (Joshua Leonard, Humpday, The Blair Witch Project) when he publishes a rumor which leads to the demise of TV chef Peter Grey`s culinary empire. Grey (James Le Gros, Zodiac, TV`s Mercy) kidnaps the writer, confines him in a remote cabin and presents him with a series of deceptively simple food challenges - from preparing a perfect egg over-easy, to grilling a steak precisely medium-rare - punishing him for anything less than total perfection. Bitter Feast is an exploration of the creative impulse gone tragically and ferociously awry. Indie horror icon Larry Fessenden and renowned chef Mario Batali co-star in this tense shocker, which is served up with wicked wit and savory flair.
  • 2014-05-21 评论家在英文里即是评论家,如果是职业的就得繁言吝啬评论他人的休息,举高自己的名声,进而失去好处。谁人规范确切很难驾御,可是不恭敬他人就该死了。
  • 2009-12-07 你妹的。。。可以或许再烂一点么?!有零分么!!一个半小时多,都说了点甚么?20分钟就能拍完的器材,因果报应也是用烂了的题材好么亲!
  • 2002-09-28 --。和大叔去草莓节看片纸,总而言之,这是部暗中且对显示屏有超高申请的片--卧槽,用不消那么多黑屏啊
  • 2001-11-14 剧情想象不错。 可是情节细节预设漏洞百出 人物智商低下。。。
  • 1996-06-28 怎样又是“悲剧”???!!!太狠了……ps. 烂片是确切。。。
  • 1994-06-30 把一星献给最爱的Mario Batali大厨的出色客串~
  • 1973-08-03 把一星献给最爱的MarioBatali大厨的出色客串~