《执法悍将》2022高清下载 在线播放

  • 电影别名:TheFirstRideofWyattEarp
  • 导演:佛瑞德·欧勒·雷
  • 演员:Tim 、Abell 、Richard 、Abraham 、G·Gordon 、Baer 、Siri 、Baruc 、Bob 、Bragg 、Calista 、Carradine 、Cathy 、Cathcart 、Robert 、Connell
  • 类型:剧情片
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:91分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:7
  • IMDB评分:(awaiting 5 votes)
  Based on the true story of the legendary lawman, Earp recounts how he brought together the Best of the West to avenge the vicious murder of his beloved Dora. Joined by the famed Bat Masterson, Charlie Bassett, BillTilghman and Doc Holliday, Earp rides after the Kenedy brothers, who are on a murder spree that spans from Dodge City to Mexico. Protected by their powerful father, the ruthless brothers know that the law won‘t touch them but they gravely underestimated Earp and his posse.    以西部传说警长怀特.厄普为题材的影片中最新最大的一部,痛惜问题不是最好。导演劳伦斯.卡斯丹采取文艺片的手腕叙事,希图把副角还原为正常人的血肉之躯,描写他的出生靠山与人际关系多于西部片传统的正邪对决,节拍比拟迟缓错杂,也瘠薄火爆的枪战行径事态。只不过全片建筑慎重,凯文.科斯特纳也照旧保持了相等的明星魅力。叙说了传说西部警长怀厄尔普的生平,从他在怀俄明州乡间长大,为了想要参军问鼎南北战争而跷家,却由于年事过轻而被回绝征招,到其后转而研读执法,并与乌芮拉(安娜贝丝吉许)娶亲,可是乌芮拉很快的由于伤寒而过世,自此厄尔初步酗酒并以偷窃维生,幸而父亲尼可拉斯(吉恩·哈克曼)逼他戒酒,并将他送去西部,交给其余三位兄弟一路以猎水牛生存,在那里,他与兄弟们用以暴制暴的主意,将大好人赶出了城镇,也固然初步了尔普传说枪手的人一辈子。在这期间,尔普波折的恋情日子也没停歇过,先是与犯有毒瘾的妓女麦蒂在一路,而后为了女演员乔西而甩了麦蒂。末尾在亚利桑纳州墓碑城,尔普与两位兄弟,另有患有肺结核的好友达克哈勒帝(丹尼斯·奎德)四人,为了根除一个罪行的帮派,而进行了西部史上知名的「农场大决战」。In this frontier drama, legendary lawman Wyatt Earp (Val Kilmer)--his Wild West days behind him--looks back on an incident in his youth, when he assembled a posse of some of the frontier`s toughest gunmen, including Doc Holliday and Bat Masterson, to track down the outlaw brothers responsible for the death of the woman he loved. Shawn Roberts plays the young Earp; Trace Adkins, Matt Dallas, Diana DeGarmo also star.Based on the true story of the legendary lawman, Earp recounts how he brought together the Best of the West to avenge the vicious murder of his beloved Dora. Joined by the famed Bat Masterson, Charlie Bassett, Bill Tilghman and Doc Holliday, Earp rides after the Kenedy brothers, who are on a murder spree that spans from Dodge City to Mexico. Protected by their powerful father, the ruthless brothers know that the law won`t touch them - but they gravely underestimated Earp and his posse. Featuring Shawn Roberts, Matt Dallas, Grammy nominated Country Music artist Trace Adkins and Val Kilmer.
  • 2022-12-11 一人一马一枪一群过命的兄弟,多么的江湖,不错。话说光滑油滑光滑油滑和热血磅礴的确是有所不同的吧。这个老警官或许是想用本人去处置史派克呢,不过没想到。。。不该遭到多么的轻视吧。史弗林有本人的绳尺,不杀姑娘,这或许是一种尊崇吧,看待昔时再战场上浴血奋战的壮士的一种恭敬。
  • 2022-11-22 影片过半照样部脚色略显智障的平淡西部片 泰半当时治安官用石头而不是左轮手枪处置嫌犯把影戏拉到了愚昧的边际 收尾方基默竟然流了一滴眼泪这片就完全万劫不复了
  • 2022-11-12 好吧,又一次考证实在事宜改编的影戏很差劲。许久没看到过多么的烂片了。话说好几个男的基本上帅哥,俩姑娘基本上路边甲乙。。。
  • 2022-11-07 这个记者像极了明天将来的公知,站着谈话不腰疼。然则记者终极觉醒,而公知们却装疯卖傻挑拨离间,好一条慕洋犬。
  • 2022-11-01 没什么专门深的印象。不过让我认为……嗯,枪可真好用嗯。前次没看完,此次看到收尾了。改个三星吧
  • 2022-10-30 按照实在故事改编的,体现美国传说警长Wyatt Earp的故事影片,既不危机也无新意。
  • 2022-10-22 风景和帅哥养眼,情节等闲,善恶清楚,但集体体现太平淡,全副的基调却是很暖