
  • 电影别名:心界
  • 导演:DaveMossop 、EricCrosland
  • 演员:CallumPettit 、KylePetersen 、JPAuclair 、TomWallisch 、RoryBushfield 、EricHjorleifson 、AustinRoss 、KrisErickson
  • 类型:纪录片运动
  • 国家:加拿大
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:82min
  • 豆瓣评分:3
主演:Callum Pettit, Kyle Petersen, JP Auclair, Tom Wallisch, Rory Bushfield, Eric Hjorleifson, Austin Ross, Kris Erickson, Johnny Collinson, Xavier De La Rue导演:Dave Mossop, Eric Crosland言语:英语 区域: 加拿大 编剧:Eric Crosland,Malcom Sangster典型:纪录片 / 勾当上映时分:Spain27 September 2013 (San Sebastián Film Festival) / Canada28 September 2013 (Whistler) (premiere)又名:心界用户标签:纪录片,极限勾当,加拿大,生态,勾当,2013,Documentary,紀錄片片长:82minimdb编号:tt2673812This is a story of rising to the ultimate challenge. Having the courage to risk fatal exposure and the perseverance demanded on the quest for achievement. These are not solely physical feats, they are mental conquests.From the creators of the award winning film “All.I.Can”, Sherpas Cinema is proud to present their newest feature film, Into The Mind. With stunning cinematography and groundbreaking storytelling techniques, the Sherpas blur the lines between dream state and reality, and immerse you into the mind of a common skier as he attempts to climb and ski the ultimate mountain. Innovative athlete segments are actually a glimpse into his dreamscape, each one harboring messages that help inform our hero’s current, real-life choices. As you experience the majesty of Alaska, Bolivia, the Himalaya and beyond, Into the Mind paints a philosophical portrait of human kind. How do we balance risk versus reward? Why are we inspired to rise to the challenges in our lives and what do we learn on this journey to attain them?
  • 2022-12-06 这是一部品评人与天然和人类搬弄天然的超等纪录片。下了一部6.5G的高清,一个半小时完全看不敷,一帧一帧已经都像是英俊很是的风景画,植入人的脑海,照相剪辑都达到了完满,无奈抒发的画面和视听享用,多么的描绘确切毫不为过。切实这是第一次看纪录片有心平气和的感到,影片中分说以主人公和鹰的视角
  • 2022-11-16 整部纪录片就像截至的酷炫告白和MV集锦,照相、剪辑、配乐和声效到了完满视听的境地,险些等于和在和观众一同呼吸,任意剪一点到里面去等于不错的告白假货。虽说这部对于深谷滑雪的纪录片每一帧都很完满,但八十多分钟的视听抚慰也不免会让人审美委顿,幸而每一个段落都有可能提神的亮点。★★★
  • 2022-11-08 文艺贸易告白片。跟RedBull红牛主导拍摄的小轮自行车/越野摩托车告白片已经一模一样。不过更文艺化一些,扯上个转轮子的藏民,并不克不及使强行植入的告白更哲理。只因视觉攻击,只管可能3.5星选举。
  • 2022-11-06 确实是到目前为止看到的最牛逼的滑雪影戏,不愧是北脸和Sherpas的结晶! 影戏的剪辑倾覆了户外影戏的汗青,有点忏悔没有去影戏节看。喜爱爬山滑雪的人万万不克不及错过!!!
  • 2022-11-03 北脸的宣传片?拍出了车轮不息的感到,后面有一段专门赞awesome!可能想说得太多反倒疏忽流动自身吧,配乐差了点,不可能跨越车轮不息,只管~四星半吧
  • 2022-10-25 视觉结果震荡,喜爱 death 那一章潮起潮落跟着人物的呼吸的场景,扭转拍摄手段也很有意思,等于衬着过了点,更喜爱钻营纪录片的手段。照旧选举看下!
  • 2022-10-23 拍摄真实 未审绝美,无可比拟,深谷滑降的和缓抚慰都闭会到了,真是往年提早封板后绝佳脑滑助手。不过North face跟滑雪有啥子关联?