
  • 电影别名:Paradis
  • 导演:伊休·帕提尔
  • 类型:动画短片奇幻
  • 国家:加拿大
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:1984-12-14
  • 片长:15分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:3
主演:导演:伊休·帕提尔言语:英语 地域: 加拿大 编剧:Ishu Patel (conception)典型:动画 / 短片 / 奇幻上映时候:1984又名:Paradis用户标签:动画短片,加拿大,动画,短片,IshuPatel,加拿大动画,1980s,1984片长:15分钟imdb编号:tt00878801984 Oscar Winner for Best Animated ShortThis is a lovely animated short. The basic plot question is poses is: which is preferable, a beautiful gilded cage, or your freedom?The director is of Indian (as in south Asian) heritage, and it shows. Paradise looks a lot like the Taj Mahal. This short was done with a combination of computer and cell animation, and is quite pretty to look at. The vivid colors associated with India and the tropics are the predominant palettes used in this film.This is a more attractive film to look at than, say, `Balance`, which won the same Oscar in the early 90`s. However, the moral from `Balance` has stayed in my head since I saw it years ago. I`m not sure that the same will be true for this film.第57届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画短片(提名)伊休·帕提尔
  • 2022-12-12 《动画巨匠》有提到,NFBC出品:This is a lovely animated short. The basic plot question is poses is: which is preferable, a beautiful gilded cage, or your freedom?
  • 2022-11-29 譬喻Patel不着魔地应用无数手艺,Paradise的自在和对等的中央主题将可不能给人留下深化印象。这部片子应用背光,传统赛璐珞动画,剪纸,多重暴光照相抵达这类效果。《Paradise》这部片子从洛杉矶到汉密尔顿到圣安妮到墨尔本一起获奖。
  • 2022-11-14 不想当孔雀的乌鸦不是好鸟!好萌的一只小乌鸦。竹苞松茂的画风。片中配乐用到了Gheorghe Zamfir的“The Lonely Shepherd ”。
  • 2022-11-11 泛泛的自在与华贵的孤立,瑶池中笼统的绚幻特意妥善现在的水幕,在昔时必然是顶级水准了,不能不说的主题曲《孤立的牧羊人》,百听不厌的名曲。
  • 2022-10-25 (IAE)无数时间咱们都想成为这个华美的非凡的生成脱俗的人因此不露声色唯我独尊然则着实这个镇静的没什么攻克感的才是可贵的本人
  • 2022-10-24 很中国刺绣的画风~画面的确美极了~The lonely sheperd的婉转乐曲单干这幅幅美画真让人信任地狱是黑白的~~
  • 2022-10-16 很中国刺绣的画风~画面的确美极了~Thelonelysheperd的婉转乐曲单干这幅幅美画真让人信任地狱是黑白的~~