Based on 2016 short film if the same name, which premiered and won an award at the Sundance Film Festival.A police officer comes to grips with a death of his mom when giving a heartfelt eulogy at her funeral.
2003-02-14 些许的喜感上面是人一辈子的无尽困苦 人到中年 母亲逝世 老婆分居 义务不顺 仅有能脱上面具和情感的禁锢 是在母亲葬礼上的跳舞 人一辈子的无尽考验基调下能有一点点的温情就充足让人类顽强起来吧 人一辈子也就值得走着么一遭吧 parfois marrant ridiculement mais constamment poignant24/09/2018 ugc Les Halles