
  • 电影别名:切蛇
  • 导演:托尼·艾尔斯
  • 演员:沙利文·斯特普尔顿 、杰西卡·德·古维 、亚历克斯·罗素 、PaulModer 、RobertMaxwell
  • 类型:惊悚同性
  • 国家:澳大利亚
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:94分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:1
导演: 托尼·艾尔斯编剧: Blake Ayshford主演: 沙利文·斯特普尔顿 / 杰西卡·德·古维 / 亚历克斯·罗素 / Paul Moder / Robert Maxwell典范: 惊悚制片国家/地区: 澳大利亚言语: 英语IMDb链接: tt2574576切蛇的剧情简介······Young, charismatic, and hardworking, Sparra Farrell (Alex Russell) seems to be sailing into a happy, respectable life. He has a solid job and an adorable fiancée named Paula (Jessica De Gouw), and already owns a modest house in the country outside Melbourne. The only odd thing is that Sparra says precious little about his past — but that past is about to catch up with him, and wrest control of his present. Set in 1973, Australian director Tony Ayres‘s bold return to feature filmmaking is equal parts crime story and love story, an inspired variation on A History of Violence that considers aspects of criminal relations rarely explored onscreen. Sparra‘s domestic idyll is ruptured when he and Paula receive an unexpected visit from Pommie (Animal Kingdom‘s Sullivan Stapleton, who also appears at the Festival in Kill Me Three Times). Pommie knows Sparra‘s most closely guarded secrets — including the stint he did in a Sydney prison — and expects him to make good on an old promise if he wants to keep those secrets safe. `You always knew there was something different about him,` Pommie tells Paula. `That something is me.` Working with a stellar cast and Blake Ayshford‘s brilliantly structured script, Ayres plumbs the shadowy depths of his characters for the brutal truths that most thrillers only hint at. The result is an incendiary noir drama burning with fear, rage, desire, and irresistible impulses. Money will be stolen, blood shed, dreams shattered, but what‘s left at the end of Cut Snake is a bond made only stronger by twin forces that should not be underestimated: self-knowledge and acceptance.
  • 2022-12-13 男主不算渣啊,在狱中是真敬爱着大叔的,出狱后想重新初步新的日子未可厚非吧,非得重操旧业跟大叔去掳掠斗殴才算不渣么?抛开同性恋话题,每个人都有住手旧爱情初步新爱情的自在吧?又不是爱情中劈腿,怎么样就渣了?换成异性恋或者就有人鄙弃大叔何等纠缠不休、死缠烂打的后任了吧?扫尾预设感到在强行丑化大叔抽象,掳掠又可不能判极刑,没需要拖着男主进来直面枪林弹雨,更谈不上为男主殉国,能够看作是大叔得不到想要的,没了活下去的念想而自我杀绝吧。ps:女主太仙颜了!
  • 2022-11-30 激烈到猖狂的爱,和歪曲而成的恨,末了化作当初轮到你悲痛欲绝的痛。的确好爱好谁人惨剧的终局(所以内心老是守候HE),即便剧情布景的交接琐细长久,但男主顺便投入的演出,让两人之间的旧情也变得顺便有说服力。尤其是末了几分钟,看得我眼泪打转并终极憋不住掉上去。谁人故事估量阿莫多瓦来拍会更相宜,看完也禁不住想起了那部生气礼貌,但谁人华人导演的委婉,也让本片更有了另一种令人意犹未尽的遗憾和伤感。不说了,满分基佬片!
  • 2022-11-26 感情跟尾最天然的部门来自 Jim Stewart 他在一个充分范例或者说死板化的人物配置里用不惹人烦的小动作表现出充分的说服力。而小Sparra 和未婚妻 Paula 的部门,感到像是先预设几个感情迸发点,而后塞过场剧情硬连起来;攻末了装作挟持受让本人葬身于警方枪下的确有需要吗?宛如受犯了天大的罪你不何等做他就要关个十几年似的
  • 2022-11-09 你爱我吗?你爱过我吗?全部都是因为现在你爬到我的床上初步的。冷血杀手的铁汉柔情,看到Pommie眼含热泪的时分,的确疼爱他,从被挑选到被摈弃,他从始至终都付出了炎热的爱,直到性命的出发点Pommie仍旧爱着他。这么好的Pommie你怎么样就不知道爱惜呢?尘寰虐恋,亏心汉一手种植的惨剧!
  • 2022-10-28 大叔和小哥哥接吻何处真劝解,硬汉大叔的确纯情,哎,虐爱情深,好怅然大叔末了仍旧死了……我残缺脑补成一部耽美小说来看的,这类预设很带感,怅然了,小哥哥在牢狱把大叔掰弯了,出狱后不想和大叔在一起了,想回归平静的日子,太渣了,怅然大叔不停时刻不忘,变成惨剧,不要大叔给我可好!
  • 2022-10-19 事实上黄毛男想要阔别bear男是个别的,比如是男女之间何等的也很危机的吧,终究bear男事实上是暴力危机成分。因此了,比如黄毛可能果敢吸收好好改革bear估量等于梦想境地的mmromance了哈哈哈哈哈。bear男真男子够滋味的莫非还对黄毛那么薄情啧啧啧,受不了
  • 2022-10-17 墨尔本电影节展映片。看完想想,这也能展映啊?品格可想而知了。直男1牢狱受辱求爱惜,掰弯男2;男2出狱还请求合体……[囧]因此一个难过的三角恋故事。难熬的女1女2,还都满漂亮的。男2几乎无脑呆子,解决问题只有打杀,那还不是一条路走到黑[doge]@孤岛丛林