
  • 导演:MarcPrice
  • 演员:AlastairKirton 、DaisyAitkens
  • 类型:剧情动作恐怖
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:UK: 97 分钟
主演:Alastair Kirton / Daisy Aitkens导演:Marc Price言语:英语 地域: 英国 编剧:Marc Price典型:剧情 / 举措 / 畏怯上映时候:2008别号:用户标签:畏怯,英国,僵尸,cult,丧尸,丧尸片,英国片子,0本钱片长:UK: 97 分钟imdb编号:tt1278322By Geoff BoughColin is the debut feature from UK Director Marc Price and Nowhere Fast Productions. Easily one of the most inventive of recent indie zombie films, the film tells the story of our main character Colin who we are briefly introduced to in his human form. As Colin stumbles through a front doorway, we hear the faint crackling of automatic gunfire and general chaos ensuing in the background. The opening scene of the film is very gripping as we see Colin pull back his sweatshirt to reveal a disgusting bite mark on his arm. The next few minutes of the film are unnerving as Colin painfully sheds his human shell and becomes one of the undead.Now one of the undead, the rest of the film displays the trials of zombie-Colin as told from his perspective. Rudimentary tasks such as opening doors are now challenging and frustrating for Colin as he seems to fumble around the post-apocalyptic streets searching for some purpose.Telling a story from a protagonists perspective who doesn’t speak is a hard task to accomplish, there is maybe 10 minutes of dialogue in the entire film. Actor Alistair Kirton (Colin) masterfully drives the film on his performance without speaking at all.As Colin shuffles around the city, we are introduced to some incredible special effects. The barren London streets create an ominous tone of a shattered world. The zombies are extremely well done and there is plenty of gore…from gut-ripping scenes to a scene where zombies overwhelm a group of humans in a split-level house, there is definitely enough zombie-action to go around.Later in the film we are introduced to Colin’s sister who rescues Colin from two thieves and then flees. We later meet back up with her as Colin is kidnapped with a burlap sack over his head and brought to a nearby house where he is tied-up in the bathroom. His sister attempts to recover some semblance of Colin’s humanity in a very stark scene in the film. As she pleads with Colin to remember who she is by showing him pictures of his past life. The unresponsive Colin is void of emotion and is more interested in her flesh. Colin is then taken to see his mother in a heart-wrenching scene towards the end of the film.By the end of the film, we get to see how Colin became infected and Marc Price does an excellent job of capturing that sense of hopelessness and uncertainty that permeates the more interesting of zombie films.The film doesn’t really have a direct narrative or direction yet it puts you directly into the film and you really feel like you are on this journey of self-discovery with Colin as he tries to adapt to a whole new world. It’s something that has never really been attempted before and is artfully done. Equally impressive is that the film was made for virtually no budget and was completed by friends and associates who just wanted to make the film. The film is very raw, quick often shaky camerawork that makes you feel apart of the action like you’ve been thrust into this bleak existence with the cast.We screened Colin at the 2008 Revenant Film Festival here in Seattle, WA in October and it was voted 2nd place by the audience and picked up the Special Jury Award at the film festival. At this time we don’t know of a release date for Colin but we will definitely inform you all when we hear anything about a release, screening or DVD.
  • 2022-12-10 用手持和快切来改换道具殊效能达到的氛围,这点仍然挺胜利的,某些画面处置得也不错,以致在僵尸题材的故事上也做到了设想和发明。当然也有良多良多的不敷,但我仍赞叹于导演所花的肉体和血汗,这可不是仅仅靠豪情就能实现的事。不外话又说回来,我还真不信他只花了40英镑。
  • 2022-11-29 即使有良多不合错误和不敷,这部险些零老本的片子仍对我震撼很深。仍然那样,小老本更需要的是发明力和设想力,当然另有很大空间,但最少让人看到了竭力和设想。颠末镜头晃悠和短镜头快捷剪接以实现殊效带来的害怕后果即是例证之一。
  • 2022-11-21 这剪辑、这剧情,比较有新意,史上最迷幻丧尸片,but,能不能换个游戏的枪械配音啊,又是AK又是mp5又是m249又是awm的。。。CS玩多了导演
  • 2022-11-08 十年前我还跟友人宣扬这片子多牛逼,然则十年之后的我感到,器械的好与坏不是做的苟且不苟且能够掂量的,一分钱一分货
  • 2022-11-01 45英镑能干吗?看啊,导演拍了一部100分钟的僵尸片呢!大伙儿是否是觉得顾影自怜啊?
  • 2022-11-01 零老本的手持晃拍也就大体多么了,视角够奇异,丧尸也是有情感的。
  • 2022-10-15 6分。事先决定要保持看完这部片子是因为这张片子海报。