
  • 电影别名:家有家窥 、家庭观念
  • 导演:阿托姆·伊戈扬
  • 演员:DavidHemblen 、AidanTierney 、GabrielleRose 、ArsinéeKhanjian
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:加拿大
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:1987-12-14
  • 片长:86 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:5
导演: 阿托姆·伊戈扬编剧: 阿托姆·伊戈扬主演: David Hemblen / Aidan Tierney / Gabrielle Rose / Arsinée Khanjian典范: 剧情制片国家/地区: 加拿大言语: 英语上映日期: 1987片长: 86 分钟又名: 家有家窥 / 家庭概念IMDb链接: tt0093006百口参观的剧情简介······(From:Wikipedia) Van (Aidan Tierney) frequently visits his grandmother, Armen (Selma Keklikian) who is living in a poor quality nursing home. At the nursing home Van meets Aline (Arsinée Khanjian), whose mother (Jeanne Sabourin) is in the next bed. Aline‘s job as a phone-sex worker does not pay her enough to afford any better living conditions for her mother. Van and Aline get to know each other through their frequent meetings at the nursing home. Van‘s mother (Rose Sarkisyan) disappeared years ago and Stan, his father (David Hemblen) is reluctant to visit his mother-in-law. Stan does go to visit Armen once, but he first visits with a stranger because he does not even recognize what she looks like. When he finally sees Armen, she attacks him. Van tries to convince his father to allow Armen to live with them but he refuses. Van also ties to convince Sandra, his father‘s live-in lover (Gabrielle Rose), with whom he also has a flirtatious relationship, to help him convince his father but she also refuses. Van discovers that Stan is re-using old videotapes of their family to tape himself having sex with Sandra. Van decides to switch the tapes for blank ones to save them. He brings them to the nursing home and shows them to Armen. When Aline is asked by a client to travel with him to Montreal, she asks Van to look after her mother while she is away. Aline‘s mother is upset because she believes that Aline is deserting her, and so she commits suicide by overdosing on her medicine. Van switches the two elderly women so it appears that his grandmother has died. He tells his father that Armen is dead and holds a funeral for Aline‘s mother before Aline returns from Montreal. When she comes back Van tells her what he has done and shows her a videotape of the funeral. He asks her to help him to get his grandmother out of the nursing home by pretending that she is taking her own mother out. Soon Armen and Van are living with Aline and both Aline and Van are working at a hotel. Stan discovers that Van switched the videotapes and wants to get them back. Van, while watching the tapes, discovers images of his mother being tied up by Stan as a part of their sexual activities. Sandra visits Van to tell him that Stan has discovered the switched tapes and that he saw Aline visiting what he thinks is his mother-in-law‘s grave. She reports that Stan has become suspicious and hired a private detective (John Shafer). After Stan visits Aline to confront her, Van decides he needs to move his grandmother to the hotel so she won‘t be discovered. With the private detective‘s help, Stan tracks down the room where Armen is being kept. But before he can get there, Van reports Armen as a homeless woman who has been staying in a storage area. As a result, Armen is safely moved to a new, better nursing home. In the final scene, Van and Aline visit Armen in her new nursing home and find her sitting and talking with Van‘s mother - her daughter.
  • 2022-12-08 湿润病态荒诞不伦的剪辑令人神思上发作震动寒噤的愉悦感想。导演诲人不倦捉拿经心安排的房间细节,拆穿家庭这个俊俏无耻的私家局限。老婆愤然离家出走,相公永久淡薄忘我,母亲被抛弃养老院,情妇教育成年的亲孩子。人们盯着电视多变的情节,用镜头监督相互的人一辈子。童年钻进母亲度量,老年葬进无名宅兆。生老病死终其终生,用扮演与窥测,构成一个个疏离阴惨的古代家庭。没有一幕赤裸色情的画面,没有半句淫秽露骨的台词,唯独不可一世炫目含混的性示意穿插在色调压制吊诡的录像带中。咱们心知肚明人一辈子的天花板安装着监控摄像头,尽量一言一行都不敢表白内心深处的爱,由于不想把事情变繁芜,尽量不追求惨重繁缛的承当。最初怀着慈善善心树立相干,终极却打着情绪旗帜做起交易。这个挖空心思救赎祖母的儿子据有纯粹的眼神,但他也是暗中中最冰凉盘据的人。
  • 2022-12-04 我家伊戈扬晚期的名作,完好展示出了他舞台剧编导的功架!与他心仪的品特格调颇为神似,对话间的发展留白,对话之间的误会打岔,那节拍感和戏戏院真是独步影坛!毫不夸张的说,看过这一片,性谎话录像带就消失了。谈到影像对生活的同化这类后古代议题,世界上再没有任何人搞得过加拿大人!而这不外出发点
  • 2022-12-03 真实与家庭有关而是盼愿被父亲称为承当的躺在病床上的外婆为下贱任务丢下母亲身后却痛苦悲伤不已的小姐让人感到是一部家庭相干影戏但厥后却光显觉察外婆出目前录像带上外婆与父亲的乱伦便是家庭相干破碎的全然而亲孩子与继母的乱伦循环般的持续上来对外婆的孝敬宛若是对本人乱伦的救赎晦暗疏离迷人的电
  • 2022-11-26 这导演太有共性了(啊仿佛不克不及多么说,看完文章未来觉察authorism是不好的)。一起头差点睡着而后我就想日后也要看无数奇怪的影戏的啊。然则越看越丢脸。来日诰日再看一遍哈哈。(对于前言的思考生活的同化后古代的妨碍)
  • 2022-11-25 仍然比照可看的,有必定故事性,便是团体覆盖在一种没有情绪的隔膜冰凉的空气里。爸爸冷淡忘我,继母教育亲孩子,亲孩子和女主都有点荒诞,以录像的视角作核阅,就仿佛在看咱们本人每天发生的事。
  • 2022-11-24 卬Family.Viewing.1988.720p.BluRay.X264-TRiPS.mkv
  • 2022-10-16 程之处在于给人冷感的场景和剪辑方法、电视画面的到场、奥秘的fusion配乐。