
  • 导演:克日什托夫·克劳泽
  • 演员:MagdaCelówna 、玛丽安·杰奇茨 、KrystynaFeldman
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:波兰
  • 语言:波兰语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:97 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:8
主演:Magda Celówna / 玛丽安·杰奇茨 / Krystyna Feldman导演:克日什托夫·克劳泽言语:波兰语 区域: 波兰 编剧:典型:剧情上映时分:2006-07-03别号:用户标签:波兰,2004,Poland,KrzysztofKrauze,Polska,波蘭電影,波蘭,水晶地球仪片长:97 分钟imdb编号:tt0425278Nikifor :his true name Epifan Drowniak (1895—1968) left about 40000 pictures and drawings ; considered one of the most outstanding narve painters of all time.Nikifor is a Polish national treasure. His work is so valued and renowned that the Polish government will no longer allow it to be exported. Throughout Poland, there are three museums, which are solely dedicated to his work. In addition, he has been exhibited throughout the world.Nikifor was born deaf and dumb and little is known about his childhood except that his mother was a beggar and a prostitute and that he did not know his father. He spent much of his life as a traveling beggar and most of his days ill with tuberculosis.During a stay in the hospital, a doctor gave him a box of watercolors and thus began his career as a naïve painter. Painting not only became the way he earned a living, but also his reason to live. He sold his small paintings as souvenir postcards. The large letters on his pictures are mostly meaningless, since he could neither read nor write; however, sometimes the word malarz (painter) can be deciphered.Nikifor often painted himself as a person he desired to be, such as a respected official, a father or a large family, or a bishop. He is considered Poland`s greatest self-taught painter.
  • 2022-12-12 四星半。他说的话没人懂,他的病痛让他去不了任何地址,他是人们眼中的肺结核病毒。但他不在乎这些,改日没碰着坏蛋就不画画,欢畅了就画圣徒,他一眼就能看清这混浊的天下,溃烂的躯壳不克不及克制他的心结出丰厚的果实。唯恐那些人要花很多年本事看懂他,他的画,只是都不重要,他与时分同在。
  • 2022-11-28 3.5 所谓“我的尼克夫”,重点还是在“我的”。尼克夫是无奈明白的,但副角是能够明白的,影片针对的即是二人之间时时变卦的相关,讨厌、怜悯到负有责任,关乎60年月冷淡的共产主义社会气氛之下的人道之光。(想起夜车)
  • 2022-10-30 以无比舒缓的节拍展示了上世纪60年月老年末年尼克夫与年青画家相依相伴的点滴日子。片中几乎没有直接展示似乎间接隐喻波兰过后政治变乱,能够说,影片与尼克夫的画同样纯朴、真稚。
  • 2022-10-30 今后,这个叫Nikifor的波兰画家便和我成了伴侣。他的画就像小伴侣的涂鸦。他很像ET。总有一天要回家。
  • 2022-10-29 宛如画中的场景,造作而又美妙。世人视他为祸不单行,他却依然以单纯看待这个天下。纯朴的影戏。
  • 2022-10-28 尼克夫这个古怪的蠢才侥幸的是遇见了一个有责任心且能赏识他的人吧 换我能够或许很难忍受
  • 2022-10-15 连影片画面都好像稚拙手笔——清楚已经一般现象,却不乏不测之美。