
  • 电影别名:连续杀人犯的一生 、亨瑞
  • 导演:约翰·麦克诺顿
  • 演员:MaryDemas 、迈克尔·鲁克 、AnneBartoletti
  • 类型:剧情惊悚恐怖传记犯罪
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:1986-12-13
  • 片长:83 分钟 / Australia: 77 分钟 / Nor
  • 豆瓣评分:4
导演: 约翰·麦克诺顿编剧: Richard Fire / 约翰·麦克诺顿主演: Mary Demas / 迈克尔·鲁克 / Anne Bartoletti典型: 剧情 / 惊悚 / 胆寒 / 列传 / 立功制片国家/地区: 美国言语: 英语上映日期: 1986-09-24片长: 83 分钟 / Australia: 77 分钟 / Norway: 78 分钟 / Sweden: 78 分钟 / Italy: 75 分钟(edited for TV)别号: 截至杀人犯的生平 / 亨瑞IMDb链接: tt0099763杀手的肖像的剧情简介······The real Henry Lee Lucas had one of the worst childhoods that I have ever had the misfortune of reading about. Growing up in Texas, he lived with a family that was totally dysfunctional. He grew up in a shack, that had nothing more than a dirt floor. The father being a legless alcoholic, literally as well as figuratively. The mother worked as a prostitute. Henry was also forced into sexual activity with her clients. They forced him to dress as a girl and then would proceed to have sex with him. He was a child that grew up being raped. He then grew up with such an intense rage that he became a serial killer. Are we surprised? Now, I am not trying to justify his behaviour. Rather, I am pointing out the fact that these people do not just fall out of the sky. There is no such thing as an inexplicable evil. That is, the person is just evil because they are. Yes, there seems to be some genetic evidence for psychopaths. However the majority do not become killers. The ones who become killers are made. If you are truly interested in what makes a psychopath, I suggest you read, ‘Not Guilty by reason of Insanity ‘ by Dorothy Otnow Lewis. Serial killers are often portrayed as being like Hannibal Lecter. Smart and talented creatures that have suddenly lost their moral code. The truth is most are a psychological mess. Losers that are full of conflicting emotions. There is also strong evidence to suggest that these people are made by a specific form of brain damage. Basically when you combine trauma in childhood and frontal lobe brain damage, you end up with Henry. This movie is what happens when people are treated in an utterly horrific way. Michael Rooker is excellent as a psychopath who seems normal but deep down harbours a psychotic rage against society. He and Otis travel around killing. Why? Why not? The pointlessness of their lives is perfectly captured. People complain about the lack of plot. I think it perfectly captures the plot. It shows the emptiness of these characters. In fact Henry and Otis feel nothing unless they are killing. The emotional side of the characters has been like killed off by previous abuses against them. They are not unlike the living dead. Even when Otis‘s sister shows some affection towards Henry he cannot reciprocate. He can‘t relate to people, he can only get off on torture and death. Yeah, this is shocking. But it is also incredibly sad. Here in New Zealand there are many shocking drunk driving ads that they play to try and get people to stop this behaviour. I feel that this movie is like that. The movie is an ad for psychopaths, who they are and the dysfunctional psychological world that they inhabit. It is a film that honestly looks at these kinds of people. This certainly does not glorify these people, which is a criticism that has been levelled at the ‘Silence of the Lambs‘ series. This is why I think it shocks people. The serial killer kills for visceral, physical pleasure. As Ted Bundy stated, ‘I killed because I wanted to.‘ Maybe, this is where the film falls down. That the characters motivations are not explained well enough. But either way the viewer is given a shockingly realistic interpretation of a serial killers world. Obviously this is a film that was made on a budget! But this just adds to the bleakness. In fact Chicago looks dirty, grimy and not like somewhere that you would visit. The performances of the rest of the cast are pretty average if not bad. So the film has some definite flaws. The exploitation factor is there. But then I think of films like Baise Moi and this film has nothing on that! Overall I think this is an objective look at a world that those of us who come from normal backgrounds will find horrific. A world that we prefer would never exist, but however does exist. Maybe one day, as our society matures these people will cease to exist. Stories like these will become completely fictional. I really hope for that day. 7 out of 10.
  • 2022-12-12 不同于Otis野狗或秃鹫式的下游猥贱,在Henry身上能看到康德式冷酷/自律的伦感性和萨德式辉煌/倒错的耐劳意志间的缠结,更为深化也愈加可怖,尽量配得上给一个Portrait。在杀手眼中作为受虐者的女性工具没有任何真实意思,不过美的气象的署理和考验的能指,杀手经过实施大自然的意志(不是你即是他,不是杀即是被杀)为本身的悠久的快感续航。看起来Becky曾意味着作为至善的母亲,别的受害者意味着作为至恶的母亲(乱伦工具—儿时强逼窥淫的履历的作用),在她们身上他无数次弑母以至于在双数的幻象中混同了惟一一次着实的屠杀办法,然则至善即至恶,Becky于他看起来应当存在于不好触碰的此岸。牵挂战略:赢取信赖—放下防范—佛门一击,迫使人思量杀手的本色。凶杀尸首场景的三层声响:当下事件声(水声虫声等)+宗教质感空气音+闪回并回响的暴虐好听的凶杀现场断片
  • 2022-11-28 如今看无故屠杀的片断有点恶心,尽量并没有那么写实。一对父母的弃儿相遇,本感到男杀手可以牵手女主过新日子,但收尾太冷淡了,影戏一样平常基本上收尾看起来旁边段用几场戏来组合描摹配角最深处的共性,以此让咱们投入以至共情于他随后的抉择,而这部影戏直到着末两场戏才提示。不剧透,此部可看。浓浓的小利息B级自力影戏,混杂着80年月的古典推拉和各类生涩的机位抉择,别有风味。很多处让我想起了那部瑞典影戏《性女暴力日志》。
  • 2022-11-11 外壳很像一部八十年月惯例的杀人狂影戏,不过He’s not Freddy,he’s not Jason,he’s real. 着实情况改编的影戏里,确凿很少有这类把私家感情讲得云云深化的了,它被誉为着末一部“黑白影戏”,血腥的画面暗地里,是每个人都能或多或少可以找到的认同感,在这碌碌无为的人一辈子里,杀人让我感知到本人。tap:生成杀人狂。
  • 2022-11-10 世界史 把人道那层仁慈的皮郛扒了个干干净净,剩下纯确凿恶,镜头不时以旁观者的视角汇报,不带任何感情,冷淡到底,前半段简直很少侧面提示暴力镜头,暗箭伤人,运用声轨回溯杀人现场,很高超的控制。男主是猛兽和恶魔的结合体,猖狂在世间追随猎物,果决严峻,收尾的屠杀应验了那句老话,狮虎基本上独行的,虎豹才成群结
  • 2022-11-09 隔了十来年,又看到一部近似《山腰绞杀手》的电影,年青的勇度演了个有童年暗影、杀人无算但又有所不为的人物。全片用大批特写和4比3关照录像带美学,但全员扮演又很虚浮,尤其妹妹一角把这片拉到更理论的调子。这电影更像八九十年月那些中国大案纪实电视剧,不过标准大些,令有趣日子添些惊险的苦涩
  • 2022-10-21 黑白影戏,收尾先容人物用平行剪辑经过声画时空辨别体现杀手让人无法设想的桀骛和念头,用冷静的镜头体现冷血的屠杀,扮演绝不天然更令人量力而行,毛糙的影像里复原出超高的着实感。收尾长镜头再次强调了杀人念头不好知论这主题,若保护者与施暴者的身份唯独一线之隔,大约唯独人道本恶能归纳综合全部。
  • 2022-10-15 收尾的音画平行蒙太奇传送的信息实用而正确:随机,纯熟,冷血,没有目的,杀手的肖像由此慢慢显现。掌握的屠杀场景,出如今一种可以预料又不好预知的突发可能性之中,刻画出杀手无法克己的屠杀期冀。着末一个序列的剧情,杀手由保护者再次化身为天性中的施暴者,全片在一种无法的失望中遏制。