
  • 导演:南茜·萨沃卡
  • 演员:海瑟·格拉汉姆 、瑞秋·卡帕尼 、詹森·刘易斯 、曼森·库克 、杰迪代亚·古达克 、艾米丽·坦南特 、薇娜·苏德 、麦肯锡·葛雷
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:加拿大美国
  • 语言:英语法语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:100分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:3
导演: 南茜·萨沃卡编剧: Andy Cochran / Virginia C. Andrews主演: 海瑟·格拉汉姆 / 瑞秋·卡帕尼 / 詹森·刘易斯 / 曼森·库克典型: 剧情制片国家/地区: 美国言语: 英语上映日期: 2015-04-05(美国)IMDb链接: tt4058368比如有崎岖的剧情简介······It‘s the 1980s. Brother and sister Christopher Jr. and Cathy Dollanganger, a surgeon and ballet teacher respectively, are the product of an incestuous but loving relationship between their married parents, who were half-uncle to niece. Chris and Cathy are now married to each other, and live under the last name Sheffield, the surname of who ended up being their adoptive father. They managed to escape from their mother, born Corrine Foxworth, who once tried to kill them so that she could inherit her estranged father‘s vast estate. Corrine, who ultimately did inherit all the money, was eventually institutionalized following a mental breakdown. Cathy has two children, teenager Jory, whose biological father is now deceased ballet dancer Julian Marquet, and preteen Bart, whose biological father is now deceased Bart Winslow, Corrine‘s second husband. While Jory knows about Julian, Bart knows nothing about Bart Sr.; neither knows about Chris and Cathy‘s sibling relationship. Chris treats both boys as his own, and visa versa. These secrets abound in the Sheffield home, despite Chris having a policy of no secrets. Despite the possibility of being found out, Chris and Cathy decide to adopt an adolescent girl, Cindy, one of Cathy‘s ballet students whose mother has just died following an illness. The Sheffield house of cards could come tumbling down around them when, not by accident, Corrine, now out of the hospital and with her inherited wealth, moves in next door, she who wants to revive her relationship with the only family she has. She uses Bart as her pawn, he the insecure one in the family. But it‘s the actions of a bystander who wants to continue with the fire and brimstone beliefs of Corrine‘s now deceased mother, the religiously fanatical Olivia Foxworth, that may not only bring the house of cards down but kill many under its weight with Bart‘s help.
  • 2022-12-14 四部啊就一二部看得好好的,三四是什么?看不到其中的意义和想表白的对象!特地第四部看得超气,维持看完等于想看编剧会若何终局,真好着末的终局摆布男主死翘翘,而后那个邪恶之源就没了?我在看这部片子的时间就认为爱是无罪的!成果着末感到片子奉告我的如故女主男主有罪。死了身手截止罪孽....
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  • 2022-11-08 光速垮掉的第三部。尽管前两部也不咋地,但这集从新刷低了上限,好像是叫唤着:你难不成认为咱们会点到为止?不!咱们黑汗青多着呢!咱们等于要作!等于要祸殃小朋友!
  • 2022-10-29 故事走向愈来愈惊异了,Chris和Cathy颜值解落很多多少…Bart专门不讨人喜欢,Jory傻白甜…Corrine几乎搞事…John Amos精神病啊…
  • 2022-10-25 故事走向愈来愈惊异了,Chris和Cathy颜值解落很多多少…Bart专门不讨人喜欢,Jory傻白甜…Corrine几乎搞事…JohnAmos精神病啊…