
  • 导演:DanMudford
  • 演员:SimonPegg 、NickFrost 、JessicaHynes 、MarkHeap 、KatyCarmichael 、JuliaDeakin
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:81分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:5
主演:Simon Pegg / Nick Frost / Jessica Hynes / Mark Heap / Katy Carmichael / Julia Deakin导演:Dan Mudford言语:英语 地域: 英国 编剧:范例:纪录片上映时分:2004别号:用户标签:SimonPegg,纪录片,英国,英剧,NickFrost,UK,悲剧,采访片长:81分钟imdb编号:tt0471388Spaced的衍生纪录片!A feature-length documentary on the series. At a hair over 80 minutes, it covers everything you`d like to know about the series, though there is a good deal of repetition from the commentaries (there`s only so much you can say about 14 half-hour episodes of television.)Participation by the cast and crew, as well as guests like Walliams and Bailey, and fans including director Eli Roth and Internet figure Harry Knowles, make for an interesting and entertaining watch, which is built around a tour of the filming locations by Pegg, Stevenson and Wright.The whole thing culminates in a pretty funny moment that is almost too incredible to be coincidental, and is followed by a short `Spaced` sequel of sorts, for the hardcore fans of the series.All in all, an excellent bit of fan service.
  • 2022-12-12 开头在一起了!!simon抱着bb到里面去还叫她luke,跟daisy说iloveyou!啊啊啊圆了咱们脑残粉的宿愿。人人都说要是否是多年好朋友相对出不了这剧!各路龙套都呈现了连狗狗没放过,twist好小气,brain头发依然那么乱,marsha的口音和嘴型都泛泛归来了!pegg越看越帅!edgarlet\'s get itwright好萌!
  • 2022-11-30 原先Simon跟Jessica95年就合作过惨剧,原先Edgar Wright这么cute,原先Twist有原型,原先Bill Bailey拍spaced比black books早一年,原先David Walliams不绝这么不端庄……原先开头可能这么坑爹的处置惩罚!20110115
  • 2022-11-14 纪录片都拍的颇有创意,尤其是开头。Edgar \'get it\' Wright真是出了名的喜好一个场景拍很频仍,完满主义者。只不过不测他难道也有瓦解的时分,做导演真是不容易。小我私家以为真实 未审不再续第三季而拍个special film也不错。
  • 2022-11-13 应该是看过的最质朴的电视剧幕后了 可能由于先看那个印象太深 看Armando Iannucci shows第一个梗的时分总是会串戏……说好的第三季真是个美妙而不可能完成的盼头
  • 2022-11-12 片中有个龙套说,“美国此刻变成了儿童的国家,所有人都不想长大,没有人想要和平,40 is the new 30,人们到了40岁才最先有些大人的样子容貌”。
  • 2022-10-31 无数花絮和各个演员的见地(以至包孕酱油龙套),无字幕,人人都在伦敦混,不列颠口音少,尚算能听懂。开头是大爱的亮点!
  • 2022-10-17 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊开头太棒啦!!!!!!!!!!!!泪崩!!!!!!