
  • 电影别名:大卫·爱登堡的博物馆奇妙夜
  • 导演:DanielM.Smith
  • 演员:DavidAttenborough
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:64min
  • 豆瓣评分:2
主演:David Attenborough导演:Daniel M. Smith言语:英语 地域: 英国 编剧:典范:纪录片上映时分:2014-01-06别号:大卫·爱登堡的博物馆怪异夜用户标签:纪录片,BBC,DavidAttenborough,英国,做作,紀錄片,英國,英国片子片长:64minimdb编号:tt3438608Britain`s best-loved broadcaster brings his favourite extinct creatures back to life in David Attenborough`s Natural History Museum Alive.In this ground-breaking film, Sir David takes us on a journey through the world-famous Natural History Museum in London in a captivating tale of discovery, adventure, and magic, where state-of-the-art CGI, science, and research combine to bring the museum`s now long-extinct inhabitants to life to discover how these animals once roamed the planet. As the doors are locked and night falls, Attenborough stays behind and meets some of the most fascinating extinct creatures which come alive in front of his eyes; dinosaurs, ice age beasts, and giant reptiles. The film fulfils a lifelong dream of the nation`s favourite naturalist, who said: `I have been coming to the Natural History Museum since I was a boy. It`s one of the great places to come to learn about natural history. In this film we have the technology to bring back to life some of the most romantic and extraordinary extinct creatures that can be conceived; some are relatively recent animals like the dodo, others older like the dinosaurs, and some we only know through fossil evidence. Using our current scientific knowledge, this film brings these creatures alive, allowing me to look at some of the biggest questions surrounding them.`
  • 2022-12-10 可以或许更多照样为了先容伦敦人造汗青博物馆的一些汗青。//老爵爷太逗了,配乐很棒,等于转场的航拍有点稀里糊涂,另有等于太短了些。///先容了鼻祖鸟 恐鸟 哈斯特鹰 乳齿象 渡渡鸟 巨猿 地懒 剑齿虎 非洲巨蟒 鱼龙 恐龙,时分跨度好大 假定能遵照时分程序来就好了大概是鱼龙 恐龙 鼻祖鸟 非洲巨蟒 乳齿象 巨猿 剑齿虎 地懒 恐鸟 哈斯特鹰 渡渡鸟 何等///古生物学是否是 全然只能经由过程 基于化石样本的剖解学 来截止分类学研讨。经由过程相比现有物种来展望其事情和口头。如今也有良多基于对残留的基因组片断截止分子生物学阐发的研讨,对比猎奇这方面。
  • 2022-11-18 ~~专门难看,的确是很奇奥,那种对人造摸索的趣味,大人造奇奥的创造力,的确,啊,险些的确很风趣人造学科类的那种趣味培植新兴的科技的确能带来完备差别的展示力,譬喻你不去看谁人视频,你就算去博物馆看到那些骨架,可以或许你也可不能认为它那么有意思~
  • 2022-11-17 间或清早转醒,窗外天尚漆黑时进入这爱登堡博物馆共同夜,到天亮时偏偏连续,看完还没编纂好观影记实就跌入了回笼觉,也是够共同的。何等脑洞大开的想象力,何等惹人忍俊不禁的讲授力。为啥我当水生生物博物馆讲授员时就没这纪录片呢?
  • 2022-11-05 难看,技艺大法好!除了博物馆内景之外,所有的场景全副在馆内,不经意间就展示了馆里的空间结构,以致吐露了展品的材质。技艺虚构回复复兴太棒了,非洲巨蟒进去的时分吓呆了,好在没有在晚上看……爵爷真是个萌萌的好演员!
  • 2022-11-03 哈哈哈哈哈哈 在人造博物馆看的 影戏没最先多久就有个孩子哭喊着“太惧怕了我要回家,我要回家妈妈” 还不错的科普纪录片 模式也很风趣 稳当孩子和像我同样对生物全无所闻的人
  • 2022-10-17 意见意义科普片,爱登堡爷爷带咱们到闭馆后的大英人造汗青博物馆,从骨骼标本回复复兴有肌肉后的整体,向咱们先容渡渡鸟、鼻祖鸟、猛犸象、剑齿虎、巨猿、地懒、恐龙等远古生物。