
  • 电影别名:局外人:下流人生 、小妓女 、TheOutsider:ADestituteLife
  • 导演:申东烨
  • 演员:KoSe-won 、JoMin-seo 、赵汉善
  • 类型:爱情
  • 国家:韩国
  • 语言:韩语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-13
  • 片长:84分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:3
导演: 申东烨主演: Ko Se-won / Jo Min-seo / 赵汉善范例: 恋情制片国家/地区: 韩国言语: 韩语上映日期: 2015-06-04(韩国)片长: 84分钟别号: The Outsider: A Destitute Life法外之徒:低劣的陌头的剧情简介······“Can’t you take me out of here?” “Is it that hard? Why is it so damn hard?” The lives of Misong, an indebted prostitute living in a red-light district, and Geunhee, her parasitic pimp, may be the most vile and futile on earth. The harder they try to escape, the deeper they fall into the pit. Every day, survival becomes a war. Every day, Misong grows more and more exhausted, deprived of any hope. She also grows to resent Geunhee, a jobless burden. Geunhee is and always has been a patronizing deadbeat. One day, when Geunhee gathers the spirit to find a work, he encounters a familiar street thug who offers him dangerous opportunity that he cannot refuse. Geunhee now stands at a fork in the road where he must decide. A tragic love story between a girl and a man living in the gutter... It’s an outsider‘s (Ddaraji) life that cares for no one and no one cares about...
  • 2022-12-03 男主角高世元,那个导演的几部电影基本上脚本够差,装逼典型的演员赵汉善都混成何等了?昔时还《狼的诱惑》呢;致敬的是《天若无情》,男主墙上的海报如何是《海誓山盟》?也许是《天若无情2之海誓山盟》
  • 2022-11-18 脚本也是差的能够了。看到赵汉善时内心一惊。少女爱的便是很纯挚,然则看片头就明了是个悲惨的故事。砸窗抢婚纱的镜头仍然仍然很动听...
  • 2022-11-13 把黑帮片拍得那么闷那么怂也真是找不出第二家。自始至终都充溢着憋屈的气氛,原本还以为是另一部下游的陌头,被名字骗了!4分
  • 2022-11-13 爱的微贱,被实践的盼望解放到不克不及自我,为了在世,她丢掉了仅有的一层薄纱,他丢掉了终身,可悲!
  • 2022-11-03 一部标的档的影戏,另有封面画的影戏内容很渣滓不看。
  • 2022-10-20 自创九十年代港片 也有些社会底层人生计扫兴