
主演:吴仁惠 / Lee Eun-mi导演:Son Yeong-ho言语:韩语 地域: 韩国 编剧:典范:剧情 / 恋爱 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 情色上映时分:2014-08-07别号:Janus: Two Faces of Desire用户标签:情色,韩国,两面神:赌气的两张脸,吴仁惠,韩国电影,2014,兩面神,人道片长:83分钟imdb编号:The dirty desire in her is unveiling!Department of Dance student Da-hee (Oh In-hye) is a born solo who has never had a boyfriend before. However, she has nightmares every night. She dreams about violent sex every night. What she would never ever imagine even in her dreams is bothering her in reality and she cannot share this with anyone. In addition, the new performance projector is her long-time crush, professor and Woo-kyeong’s husband Gong-woo (Chris Jo) and it’s making her suffer. In the end, Da-hee goes through therapy and finds out she’s suffering from a trauma she’s had when she was a kid. Then she stumbles upon Myeong-joong, a Tantra yoga instructor online...
  • 2022-12-01 不推举看谁人工具(就确实是影戏吧),无关紧要的脚色都露点了,只有女主角打死都不露,从头至尾一点不露!拍胸的镜头她宁可让男演员的手捂住奶头,也不愿给观众看,我真服了她,这么一个乱来观众的演员相对没有好了局的,非但观众厌恶,影戏公司确信也看不惯,一个拍色情片的女伶,莫非还想留给观众一个纯粹烈女人抽象?
  • 2022-11-28 即是一个一语分歧就堕入情欲空想的影戏,我真以为我下到了小影戏,起头不空话就7分钟的OOXX,一直换姿态。而后隔3分钟,第10分钟,女主又起头空想,而后隔几分钟又起头。。。剧情。。。罢了。。。还恳求甚么剧情啊
  • 2022-11-20 最后一段床戏中,惜肉如金的女主角虽仍未露点,但配乐竟然是德沃夏克的《来自新世界》,让人颇感欣慰。一部情色片以配乐来给交配作注脚,着实是闻所未闻。
  • 2022-11-06 [pc]R级,无字幕,治愈,操行盘据。四女性,七段16分钟,片头一段6分半钟,女主片尾二段2分钟。果身禅坐
  • 2022-10-30 无字幕,女主吴仁惠很大度,惋惜嘿咻戏几乎没有,好比有的话能给5星,剧情不知,城市副角在嘿咻。
  • 2022-10-28 8412056e0b6257ae8aabc206b47a5b4443a1babf&dn=
  • 2022-10-18 剧情啥的差不多可能漠视,就看看红毯中哪位有点下垂的吴仁惠就行了