
  • 导演:唐·希格尔
  • 演员:埃里·瓦拉赫 、罗伯特·基思
  • 类型:剧情犯罪黑色电影
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-13
  • 片长:86 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:5
In San Francisco, two police inspectors are on the case when a rogue taxi driver, with the help of a rogue porter, manages to st eal the suitcase of an antiques collector before running down a cop, whose dying gesture is to shoot the cabbie dead. The inspectors discover that a statuette in the suitcase contains heroin. Meanwhile, a psychopathic gangster, his malignant mentor and their dipsomaniac driver have the job of picking up the other heroin shipments, hidden in the luggage of unsuspecting travelers. All goes well until they attempt to retrieve the heroin stuffed in a Japanese doll. A little girl and her lovely young mother have the doll, but when the crooks take possession of it, they find that the heroin has mysteriously vanished.
  • 2022-12-11 特殊精采的作品。Don Siegel老练矫健的格调下竟然掩藏着极端严密的脚本组织:开篇就树立了简要的叙事格调,人物对白没有任何情感衬着,专门洁净,牵挂时时坚持到着末,但真正让这部作品发光的是Dancer和轮椅男会见戏:Dancer时时盯着对方,试图注解工作获胜起因,轮椅男全程面无表情无回应,以致都不屑于看Dancer一看,只在着末吐出一句“你死定了”,继续夺过袋子,趁势拍在Dancer脸上,“还不快滚!”,Dancer感到被那股由上至下的气力有情碾压,本人竟如蝼蚁日常,来试图注解从而央求领略的举措更是很好笑,这一瞬间升华体现人在制度化压榨下的无力及对抗,从而逾越题材自身。爱好那对母女,因此水族馆的台词筹划male gaze颇令人出戏,但演员扮演的确很卓越。
  • 2022-12-03 (IMDB) In San Francisco, two police inspectors are on the case when a rogue taxi driver, with the help of a rogue porter, manages to steal the suitcase of an antiques collector before running down a cop
  • 2022-11-26 7/10。杀人片断的视觉筹划美好至极,第一幕安排在蒸气浴,人体焦点在雾光中融进融出显得暧昧梦境,第二幕寓宅里安了面镜子,反射出逃到画框外的受害者中枪画面。以现在的视力看叙说平庸而气力不敷,但小姑娘把艺妓玩偶外部隐匿的白粉当胭脂用掉尔后,买家疑少货起争吵被推下楼摔死的突发环境步步危殆。
  • 2022-11-14 反派长得宛然三镖客里面的the bad guy.extra(Indicator) : The Influence of Noir (2009, 7 mins): appreciation by filmmaker Christopher Nolan.诺兰的确铁黑片粉
  • 2022-11-13 前面的警员部门挺烦闷,但瓦拉赫的罪犯团浮现后,一切片子的劝慰水平大增,一次看似轻易的口头变得愈来愈失控,短短几十分钟内,老到的罪犯们快速在绝境边际试探,这类张力配置曾经便是70年月新犯法片的本来。
  • 2022-11-13 3.5星。往常在诺兰的访谈里看到过,这是他专门爱好和推重的彩色片子之一。收尾扫尾的追车和两场坠落的戏都好赞, Siegel拍的片子都凉飕飕的,这类格调放到10年后才开端遭到大的推重。
  • 2022-10-24 当提到最经典的彩色片子时日常可不能波及这部,然而它对旧金山场景的利用,半记载片式的叙事伎俩和依莱瓦拉赫扮演的psychopath都对其后的犯法片子有着深远的妨害。