
  • 电影别名:Overtime
  • 导演:OuryAtlan 、ThibautBerland 、DamienFerrié
  • 类型:动画短片
  • 国家:法国
  • 语言:无对白
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:4分56秒
  • 豆瓣评分:7
主演:导演:Oury Atlan / Thibaut Berland / Damien Ferrié言语:无对白 区域: 法国 编剧:典范:动画 / 短片上映时分:2005-03-19又名:Overtime用户标签:动画短片,法国,短片,动画,2005,Thibault_Bertrand,2000s,animation片长:4分56秒imdb编号:tt0453181Black and White Short AnimationThis film is incredible. The most captivating piece of animation I have seen. It takes film noir approach and tells the story of an animator who gets the tables turned upon him. An animator has died and the puppets he has spent his whole life animating, then proceed to animate him instead. It is a very personal experience as they treat him with the same tenderness as an animator would treat his puppets with. This has very many levels and will certainly keep you thinking about it for a long time after you have watched it. there are many references to other sources and some peculiar choices like blank eyes for example. there is a deep message going on in this, and it is up to you to find your own meaning from it. it is a true work of art. It is filmed in black and white, and has a brilliant score. it starts off very upbeat and then towards the end gets melancholy. This is a must see, an incredible film!
  • 2022-12-03 留念布偶之父Jim Henson。生前他控制布偶,身后布偶不肯面临,岑寂控制着他的尸身,好象父亲还活着同样。难以置信这是学生作品。很悲恸,很好的办法,让人动容。overtime,持续的时分。over time,(Jim )死的时分,(Sesame Street)阻滞的时分。
  • 2022-12-01 此处不得念诗。(布偶们将死去的控耳目做成尸偶,为他开追悼会,为他悲恸,悲恸到厥后又酿成盛大的快乐扮演,布偶们围在尸偶旁摹仿他生前的举措举止,即便尸身已逐渐糜烂…说实话,我想到的是水晶棺里的那位。)
  • 2022-11-22 木偶的魂魄在舞蹈。相似《9》的题材,但气势派头差别。更哥特化一些也更温馨一些,没什么故事性,相比舞台化。差别于后者的蒸汽朋克。
  • 2022-11-21 悲恸的激昂,武艺加上激昂民气的感情酝酿,音乐衬托极佳,法度动画的典型,让我想起父与女。留念英年早逝JimHenson
  • 2022-11-09 什么原因一定要像语文课同样阐发它的意思解读它的手腕?它本身即是一个神作,不需任何言语!!!
  • 2022-11-08 1.彩色影戏果真更有质感。2.音乐超赞3.镜头基础畅通流畅4.画面简明。5.主题温馨~
  • 2022-10-25 感受和控制与被控制,傀儡这些都有关,只不过布偶对主人的迷恋,有悲恸有入耳