
  • 电影别名:SouthfromGranada 、格拉纳达之南
  • 导演:费尔南多·科洛莫
  • 演员:马修·古迪 、劳伦斯·福克斯
  • 类型:剧情喜剧爱情
  • 国家:西班牙
  • 语言:西班牙语英语拉丁语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:111 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:7
主演:马修·古迪 / 劳伦斯·福克斯导演:费尔南多·科洛莫言语:西班牙语 / 英语 / 拉丁语 地域: 西班牙 编剧:典型:剧情 / 惨剧 / 恋情上映时候:2003-01-10又名:South from Granada / 格拉纳达之南用户标签:西班牙,MatthewGoode,西班牙片子,Matthew.Goode,恋情,2003,片子,西语片长:111 分钟imdb编号:tt0349076In 1919, demobbed, Gerald Brenan rents a house for a year in Yegen, a village in Alpujarra. He has little but a love of reading and writing. He`s soon the center of attention from his maid, María, who has a marriageable daughter, Ángeles; from Paco, a man who decides to guide Gerald in the ways of the village and of love; from the town`s priest, his landlady, her friend who loves St. Teresa, and, from Juliana, a teen beauty who`s the daughter of a witch. Gerald must sort out his feelings and face down the machinations of the town`s women, who map a future he doesn`t want. What he wants is romance. How far from his class and country can he venture, and for how long?- Written by
  • 2022-11-17 (我一知半解了)确有其人!——Gerald Brenan(see also Carrington [1995]), \"a British writer and Hispanist who spent much of his life in Spain\". Goode金发违和但Juliana美、板鸭风景美、西班牙语美。那么成绩来了:summer school我要不要选西班牙语修修?
  • 2022-11-08 看过很多西欧影视,应该说对流露的躯体和开放的关联见怪不怪了才是。然而这部影戏里对忠贞、义务和乐意的表示真实 未审让我Whaaaaat?了好几回......感到他们的恋爱并没有多浓墨重彩,不外挺喜爱末端胡莲娜回眸变年青那一瞬。(金毛的马修真是~)
  • 2022-11-04 切实一劈头要我洗白绝世渣男的时分我是拒绝的,由于你不能说洗白就洗白,洗完后加有数殊效:头发很闪、柔光很强、颜值很高,duang~duang~duang~[躁狂症][躁狂症][躁狂症]
  • 2022-10-31 拍的依旧挺唯美的,然而我看的无字幕版,全程就看古迪和女主的戏,古迪依旧目前有味道,那时分真是萌,这个小孩子一下去我就以为是亲孩子????
  • 2022-10-24 在她最美的年数爱上她,什么原因末端不和她成亲了。什么原因她不接受你,由于她不想被你当作一个轻佻的男子。
  • 2022-10-18 妈呀金毛西语的马修几乎嫩死了,一掐一股水啊,还全流露鸟了哎呦可以或许疏忽有点扯的剧情了。。
  • 2022-10-17 为了granada 比如靠山不是andalucia我是看不下去的