《我们不该在这里》2022高清下载 在线播放

  • 电影别名:WhatHaveWeDonetoDeserveThis?
  • 导演:Eva 、Spreitzhofer
  • 演员:卡罗琳·彼得斯 、ChantalZitzenbacher 、西蒙·舒瓦茨 、JimmyAngelo 、DuyguArslan 、艾米莉·考克斯 、HildeDalik 、皮娅·希尔泽伽 、埃尔芙·伊尔马克 、DavidKetter
  • 类型:剧情喜剧
  • 国家:奥地利Austria
  • 语言:德语 、阿拉伯语Arabic
  • 上映时间:2022-12-13
  • 片长:91分钟(德国)
  • 豆瓣评分:5
咱们不应在这里剧情简介:咱们不应在这里奥地利地域的于2018年上映,导演是Eva,Spreitzhofer, ,咱们不应在这里具体先容:Wanda's world has been turned upside down when her teenage daughter Nina suddenly turns up in a hijab. Secretly, Nina has converted to Islam; she exclusively eats halal, strictly observes the prayer times and wishes to be called Fatima. Mother of a liberal Viennese patchwork family, Wanda is appalled; she has always strongly stood against religious fanaticism. However, all attempts to make Nina see reason fail. To make matters worse, Wanda's ex-husband has just fathered a child with his latest wife, and Wanda begins to yearn for a time when her only problems were her daughter's truancy and pot smoking. When she meets Hanife, the mother of Nina's Muslim girlfriend, she finds an ally. Hanife, who immigrated to Austria as a child, is determined to save her daughter from the extremely old-fashioned image of women, which Nina is enthusiastically preaching.
  • 1994-02-15 看到末了觉察主题还不错,Nina也不是那种无脑的,末了同性男穿戴穆斯林女装搬到女主家了,其余奥地利的土耳其人也无数吗?外面唱的那首歌是法语照旧意大利西班牙语?
  • 1993-05-15 奥地利德语的兴味:absolut,Wurscht,Piefke ,küssen,deppert
  • 1990-02-20 维也纳和平拯救了所有欧洲,子女如斯脆弱,对宗教的立场便是低配版白左
  • 1981-01-13 女儿突然间皈依穆斯林后母亲的故事,顺带有小黑一把极为。
  • 1970-10-14 就不是很能GET,故事有点噜苏又臭又长的感受,傻乎乎的