《摇摆者》1996高清下载 在线播放

  • 电影别名:全职浪子 、求爱欲辣
  • 导演:道格·里曼
  • 演员:海瑟·格拉汉姆 、朗·里维斯顿 、乔恩·费儒 、文斯·沃恩 、艾利克斯·迪塞尔 、帕特里克·范霍恩
  • 类型:剧情喜剧
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:1996-12-13
  • 片长:96 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:2
导演: 道格·里曼编剧: 乔恩·费儒主演: 乔恩·费儒 / 文斯·沃恩 / 海瑟·格拉汉姆 / Patrick Van Horn / 艾利克斯·迪塞尔范例: 剧情 / 悲剧制片国家/地区: 美国言语: 英语上映日期: 1996-10-18片长: 96 分钟别名: 全职荡子 / 求爱欲辣IMDb链接: tt0117802摇荡者的剧情简介······Before watching `Swingers,` I saw Jon Favreau and Vince Vaughn paired off in `Made.` Now, I didn‘t like `Made` all that much, but that didn‘t lower my expectations when watching `Swingers.` I already knew the two actors had a great chemistry and as long as the script is well-written, they can really go places. `Swingers` is a thoroughly original, wonderfully written comedy that‘s filled with big laughs. Favreau and Vaughn‘s characters are like polar opposites, and it‘s hilarious to watch them argue. The rest of the actors are also good (I think the black guy is the blind character from `Becker`--I could be wrong), but Vince Vaughn steals the show as the smooth-talking Trent. We all have friends like Trent. Some of us aspire to be like Trent. Some of us are Trent. I admit, I would compare myself more to Favreau‘s character--the more reserved, sensitive type. But the great thing about a film like this is it‘s down to earth. It‘s about everyday people in everyday situations, and I guarantee many of us can relate to the characters in `Swingers` in one way or another, just like how many of us relate to the characters on `Seinfeld.` This isn‘t a plot-driven film, so you can call this a movie about nothing. It‘s simply about a group of studs on the prowl, hitting the clubs and casinos, and sharing their philosophies on sex and dating. There are several films that tried to replicate this format and failed (`Whipped` comes to mind). If you‘re in the mood to laugh hysterically and be wildly entertained, `Swingers` is the movie for you. About my only criticisms would be a few lame attempts to be stylish. Come on, would 5 guys really drive in their own cars and follow each other all the way without anyone cutting them off?
快播① 八戒① 百度① 八戒② 百度② 番茄云 快播② 鱼乐云 天空② 无尽云 卧龙云 星海云 樱花云 金鹰云
  • 2022-12-02 #恋爱#影片体现的是友情,是对得胜的胆怯和少年女子们无所作为的糊口。不重在故事情节,而偏重形貌对话和人类生活及人际关系的细枝末节。恋爱片素日专为合意女性对世界上这个“独一快意郎君”的浪漫梦想,但在本片里事情差别。脾气痴钝的男少年迈克久久悼念纽约的前女友,而他正好成了被大多数女性轻忽的人。咱们看到汉子们的言行与她们怄气的男友的谋求正相反。这些女性大多货物主义和虚荣。留神的是末尾一个场景里的反转,特伦特在片子前半段钻营女友时仿佛任重道远,而痴钝虔敬的迈克则每每得胜。但在这末尾的场景里,自以为是的特伦特就地出了丑,却是迈克获得了一个真正体味他的小姐。只是,无论是哪种目的:谋求悠长的恋爱依旧悠长的安慰,农村产生很多升沉。任何基本上与伴侣指斥过若何看待女性的女子都能与本片里的事情产生共识与类似。
  • 2022-11-30 泡妞,是一种修炼,一种糊口。要泡妞必须得活在此时,瞥见此时本人有的才会自尊。真正的泡妞好手不是说甚么人都能泡,他们往常去的BAR便是属于DEAD的事情,诚然他们换了地址本事泡。与其说是泡妞不如说是被泡。Idon\'\'thavetobelikedbyeveryone.Somedon\'\'tlikeme.Idon\'\'tlikecertainpeople.
  • 2022-11-19 (pua引荐)这就很实在了,直男、恋爱小白的生理和表此时片子里酣畅淋漓。以是是pua引荐片,然而经历最深的是基友跟他说的那段话:“你认为你糊口一团糟,但在我眼里你异常棒,你总是看着你猎取或不够的地址,却始终没留神到你拥有的器材,天天太阳农村升起,今后已经光亮,你理当自尊,bro!”
  • 2022-11-09 一種糊口狀態,梦想主義者的不胜和困顿,遊走于晚間的賭場與夜店,追赶生疏汉子的荒诞乖张與浮誇,不過已经勃起的衝動交織陽痿的現實,最後的不期而遇依舊逃不掉梦想主義的救贖冀望,新舊兩者間的溝通疊合及主人公的最後選擇是一個設計性過強的樂觀布置,不過很聰明:有些人迷醉而身陷,有些人掉轉而新局。
  • 2022-11-09 果真不是所有的buddy movie和话痨片已经我的菜;我以为并不是簿子的造诣,odd couple的簿子有多刁悍?但并不障碍它成为经典,有Jack Lemmon的演技在里边搁着呢。Jon Favreau就(省略号)也可能只因为我以为他不敷敬爱吧
  • 2022-11-04 又一部豁达反馈一个时期年青人糊口事宜的影戏,就好象前不久看的SayAnything。并且,又向昆汀塔伦蒂诺的水库狗致以异常敬意。没想钢铁侠的导演依旧编导演都拿得起的全才啊!没想VinceVaughn年青时依旧靓仔啊!
  • 2022-10-18 没字幕话太多就没怎样整显著……女子泡吧找小姐这件事从各个方面对我来说都太生疏了。Ron在这部里修了眉毛感到很精力。画面和气氛还行,90年月的old school质感也很不错。总的来说有种无力感。