
  • 电影别名:TheCreatureBelow
  • 导演:StewartSparke
  • 演员:安娜·道森 、米凯拉·朗登 、丹尼尔·特雷斯
  • 类型:科幻恐怖
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-13
  • 片长:83分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:6
During a traumatic accident whilst on a deep-sea dive in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, Olive, a gifted, young marine-biologist discovers an unearthly creature. Loosing her dream job, Olive smuggles the creature home, intent on studying it in her basement, unbeknownst to her devoted boyfriend Matt. Whilst struggling to re-adjust to landlocked life and recover from her recent trauma, Olive begins to realize that she and the creature share a symbiotic bond that drives her to carry out its sinister will. Plagued by gruesome nightmares, her fractured memories of what happened during the accident in the depths of the ocean begin to unravel and reveal an eldritch horror far older and malevolent than she could ever imagine, one which she has unwittingly set free. Olives obsession leads to madness as her discovery consumes her entire humanity, with deadly results for those around her.
  • 2022-12-12 抛开初级电脑特效不说,剧情也多有不合理处,深海科研没有监控有点说不过去,钻研未知生物居然从不按正规流程来,be mine,be chosen,一名卑鄙无耻的作女末了走上自毁的套路。仅有有味的大概是,墨鱼喷汁成为了女主眼影,看上去性感还平添了几分。
  • 2022-12-11 这是一部特地用来吐槽的低老本精雕细刻的影戏,一个叫breaking glass的影戏公司出品的,三毛钱电脑特效智障的对白和毫无用脑的脚本,章鱼还没有毛绒玩具真切,编剧可以连专业等第都算不上。外洋的烂片假定烂起来,基本没海外烂片甚么事
  • 2022-11-24 给一星太不失当,怎么说比大部分国产影戏好得多。然而照旧不提倡看恰似加快看。剧情容易,逻辑欠亨,BUG太多。本人家里养个怪物几个月,男主岂非都不知道,我靠这不是小白是明显呀。。。
  • 2022-11-13 修筑有点粗拙,怪物全貌都没有,女主险些有力吐槽,没见这么自满拙笨神经病的脚色,末了被怪物腰斩了,好受了女主的共事,男友和妹妹,全被她牵联,除了妹妹被关进肉体医院,全灭!!!
  • 2022-11-06 演员们演的谁人生硬……演技好点电脑特效好点就可不能孤负了克苏鲁的题材,女主提及克苏鲁的经典台词照旧颇有感受的。关于彻底没打仗过克苏鲁的人很难理解一些镜头的经典性。
  • 2022-11-02 1这是个5毛电脑特效都没有小老本烂片2着实这剧情彻底可以或许接上#异星醒悟#当后传来看啊怪物从源头到长相到食性都同样同样的3我感到用大阿姨来豢养怪物恰好失当…
  • 2022-10-17 我不绝感到良多影戏是没有市场的,但层出不穷的该典范让我感到:约莫能行!!若是他的老本不超过1万块钱,可以或许卖10万的票房,我也盘算拍一部