
  • 电影别名:伟大的精子赛跑 、精诚所至:小蝌蚪大竞赛
  • 导演:朱利安·琼斯
  • 演员:理查德·阿米蒂奇
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:55分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:7
主演:理查德·阿米蒂奇导演:朱利安·琼斯言语:英语 区域: 英国 编剧:朱利安·琼斯典范:纪录片上映时候:2009-03-23(英国)别号:伟大的精子竞走 / 精诚所至:小蝌蚪大较量用户标签:纪录片,英国,RichardArmitage,生物,Documentary,Channel4,RCArmitage,英片长:55分钟imdb编号:tt1461416It`s the most extreme race on earth - a contest with 250 million competitors, only one winner and relentless obstacles thrown in for good measure.Scaled up to human size with the sperm played by real people, The Great Sperm Race tells the story of human conception as it`s never been told before using helicopter-mounted cameras, world-renowned scientists, CGI and dramatic reconstruction to illustrate the extraordinary journey of sperm.With the microscopic world of sperm and egg accurately scaled up by 34,000 times, we see the human-sized heroes negotiate some of the world`s most striking landscapes when the epic proportions of the vagina become the Canadian Rockies and the buildings on London`s South Bank symbolise the intricacies of the cervix.With the female body designed to repel and destroy invaders, from acidic vaginal walls to impassable cervical crypts, the sperm face unremitting obstacles. `The battle that sperm have in order to find and fertilise an egg is just immense,` explains Dr Allan Pacey. `Everything is working against sperm and they`re not really given a helping hand by the female reproductive tract.`Huge swathes perish and only one will reach the ultimate goal - fertilisation of the egg and the beginnings of new life.Made in conjunction with the Wellcome Trust and consulting the world`s leading reproductive scientists, The Great Sperm Race demonstrates the extraordinary intricacies of our bodies and the giant lottery of luck that is our reproductive process.
  • 2022-12-11 异常有创意的科普片,精子拟人,触目惊心却又出格欢欣。本来一个受精卵身世前精子必要影象多么多的魔难。不外就像片尾所说,末尾到达的这个出格荣幸,大略另有比它更棒的,但它倒是举世无双的。新人命的身世,让早年许多兄弟姐妹们的殉国都变得值得。寓教于乐,特地涨学识。末尾赞下RA的配音,很棒
  • 2022-11-19 神创意的纪录片,拟人到这类水平险些了……像玄妙全国物语。那么多群演理应投了很多钱。这个Gleen老让人想起真爱至上。科学家的访谈也很震动。|端庄的被BBC做到极致、别的电视台只有不端庄了?实在还挺值得一看的,三星半算四星好了。
  • 2022-11-06 真实 未审是好好奇,还要听RA道貌岸然的说着vagina,orgasm甚么的,棒死了有没有_(:3」∠)_把spermrace比作越野赛,有些地址真像某新西兰面子片啊,恩,跳戏了。。。
  • 2022-11-06 各显神通 栉风沐雨 历尽千难万险 到达的时候要刚恰好 不克不及过晚也不克不及过早 同时见了面还不一定牵手胜利 好奇奥 斗气人人都详尽看待生涯 你曾经是亿万中最荣幸这个了
  • 2022-11-06 果真看这纪录片的百分之九十九曾经奔着RA去的,RA道貌岸然地念旁白的嗓音但是比演戏平庸了很多,恰似如果异常富饶热忱人人城市出戏的吧……
  • 2022-10-31 很可笑了,又会认为精子确实好勤奋啊,可以大略跑赢万千精子离开这个全国的咱们,另有甚么原理去废弃啊,要对得起那颗小小精子的起劲呀!
  • 2022-10-16 即便没有RA也超可笑,一群懒洋洋的sperm people 里有一个还在打毛衣啊!况且另有RA!