
  • 导演:CarmenPiccini
  • 演员:朱塞佩·托纳多雷 、伍迪·艾伦 、罗伯托·贝尼尼 、克劳迪娅·卡汀娜 、CharlotteChandler 、安妮塔·艾克伯格 、费德里科·费里尼 、马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 、埃托尔·斯科拉 、马丁·斯科塞斯
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:56分钟
主演:朱塞佩·托纳多雷 / 伍迪·艾伦 / 罗伯托·贝尼尼 / 克劳迪娅·卡汀娜 / Charlotte Chandler / 安妮塔·艾克伯格 / 费德里科·费里尼 / 马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 / 埃托尔·斯科拉 / 马丁·斯科塞斯导演:Carmen Piccini言语:英语 区域: 美国 编剧:Carmen Piccini范例:纪录片上映时候:2002又名:用户标签:纪录片,费里尼,美国,托纳多雷,Federico_Fellini,Documentary,伍迪·艾伦,2000s片长:56分钟imdb编号:tt0407969Carmen Piccini`s delightful documentary `The Magic of Fellini` was shown recently on the Sundance channel. It was a complete surprise because of its subject, Federico Fellini, who was one of the best directors of Italy of the last century, one would think needed no explanation about what made him one of the most admired figures of the Italian cinema. Ms. Piccini explores the man who was a legend and in less than one hour she makes us feel as though one knew this charismatic man intimately.What comes across in the film is Fellini`s genius. He was a man who basically had the ideas in his mind and who seldom bothered to write a screen play detailing each scene of the film he was directing. Fellini was a master of the improvisation style and as such, he gave his actors a general guide line to follow as most of the dialog was added in the editing. He was famous for having some of the American stars he employed in his films just move their lips and concentrating on the characters they were creating.There are hilarious interviews on camera with Anthony Quinn, whose Zampano, in `La Strada` was perhaps his best film work, and with Donald Sutherland, who played Casanova for the master. Donald Sutherland is seen mumbling numbers in Italian that were later dubbed with an actor`s voice speaking the great lines Fellini and his collaborators added later on. Claudia Cardinale is also seen in an interview on camera as she tries to explains the magic of working with Fellini.Ms Piccini has included some of the best moments in the films Fellini directed such as the sequence when Anita Ekberg enters the Trevi fountain in Rome, in `La dolce vita`. She also includes two of the best scenes from `Le notti di Cabiria` in which Giulietta Massina is seen dancing with the film star portrayed by Amadeo Nazzari, and later on as the film is ending when one sees Cabiria shedding tears as she walks home at the end of the picture.This documentary is essential for admirers of Federico Fellini and Carmen Piccini has made it possible to the great director`s fans to discover yet another layer of the man who was an absolute original.
  • 2022-11-19 「他是個蠢才。」「他是瘋子。」「一開始我覺得他的電影沒什麼,後來尖叫,喔天吶,我毕竟錯過了什麼。」「沒有台詞?老天,至少你要給我台詞吧。」「日子像一個夢境,全体差不多想像。」從第一眼到現在,还是如许愛費里尼,以至比從前更喜愛。邪术比质量(寄望,不是道義)更吸引我心。一不小心就成了導演的費里尼,注定要給電影天下帶去奇蹟。小精靈夫人老了以後也優雅,她是費里尼日子裡的副角,也是電影裡的副角。
  • 2022-11-19 笑死了!!已经可以或许当作一个大型段子合集,从某种程度上讲很完善:我怄气看到的人都看到了,没欲望的也出镜了。Donald Sutherland和助理两位高亮,发起组队去讲相声;前期作曲Piovani的“吐槽”也超萌的。全片最动人的一幕莫过于Nino Rota给费费抚琴了。
  • 2022-11-14 与其说费里尼会邪术,不如说片子自身即是一门制幻的艺术。通向幻觉的道路,不应被任何技法所限定。于是与技法对比,直觉更加重要。费里尼颠末他的“瞎搅”,显现出了他假想中的天下。
  • 2022-11-13 这类纪录片弗成评分吧,不外看得也愉快。想吐槽伍迪艾伦,哪个巨匠的纪录片里都有你。
  • 2022-11-09 0