
  • 导演:SinisaDragin
  • 演员:丹·康德里奇 、安娜·琼泰亚 、霍拉蒂乌·马拉埃雷 、DanAstileanu 、ValerDelakeza 、CristinaTacoi
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:罗马尼亚
  • 语言:罗马尼亚语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:Netherlands: 93 分钟 / Netherlan
  • 豆瓣评分:8
surreal, dreamlike, unorthodox...see it. This film was shown as `Every Day God Kisses Us On The Mouth` at the Philadelphia Film Festival this year to a surprisingly large crowd; it was met with more than its share of confused silence. I think the audience expected something different then what was on screen...Personally I went in expecting a film about a serial killer and his pet goose, something akin to a Romanian twist on Gaspar Noe‘s utterly brilliant `Seul Contre Tous`. Sure, that‘s perhaps a fraction of it, but as the film moves forth, it reveals itself to be a highly surreal, unorthodox, and sad film. I find the plot very hard to summarize because there is so much of it, for better or worse depending upon who views the film. The first hour or so follows a fairly steady course. Dimitru has just been released from jail, and upon returning home finds his wife pregnant with his brother‘s child. The plot also involves murder, arson, pet geese, and some truly incredible, dreamlike imagery very much befitting a film so bizarre. In a way the film becomes a series of very interesting, very lovely, but very frustrating paintings. I can‘t recommend this film to everyone or pretend to have made sense of the whole affair, but to those willing to experience a film very unique, beautiful, and haunting, you will find your efforts to find this film richly rewarded.
  • 2022-12-06 谁为刀俎谁为鱼肉?吉普赛的天鹅绒之殇+死魂魄的多瑙河之远。列车窗口飞行的Lena幻影,契如奥利维拉的《安赫利卡奇遇》。惨烈伏笔:断颈之鹅。电视屏&面貌。植物群像契如《爱的洪流》。沉舟。|我不相信异景。|什么原因要熬煎它,它也是有灵魂的。|人在河边走,哪有不湿鞋?PS:颜色很苏联。
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