◎译名大度期间 ◎片名Modern Times ◎年月1936 ◎国度
美国 ◎种别笑剧/
剧情/恋爱 ◎言语
英语 ◎字幕中 ◎IMDB评分 8.5/10 (33,942 votes) ◎导演查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin ....(as Charlie Chaplin) ◎主演查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin ....A factory worker (as Charlie Chaplin) 宝莲·高黛 Paulette Goddard ....A gamin 亨利·伯格曼 Henry Bergman ....Cafe proprietor 格洛丽亚·德黑文 Gloria DeHaven ....Gamin`s sister (uncredited) Tiny Sandford ....Big Bill (as Stanley Sandford) 切斯特·康克林 Chester Conklin ....Mechanic Hank Mann ....Burglar Stanley Blystone ....Gamin`s father Al Ernest Garcia ....President of the Electro Steel Corp. (as Allan Garcia) Richard Alexander ....Cellmate (as Dick Alexander) Cecil Reynolds ....Minister Mira McKinney ....Minister`s wife (as Myra McKinney) Murdock MacQuarrie ....J. Widdecombe Billows (as Murdoch McQuarrie) Wilfred Lucas ....Juvenile officer Edward LeSaint ....Sheriff Couler (as Ed Le Sainte) Fred Malatesta ....Head waiter Sammy Stein ....Turbine operator (as Sam Stein) Juana Sutton ....Woman with buttoned bosom Ted Oliver ....Billows` assistant Norman Ainsley ....Billows` assistant (uncredited) Bobby Barber ....Worker (uncredited) Heinie Conklin ....Assembly line worker next to Big Bill (uncredited) Frank Hagney ....Shipbuilder (uncredited) Chuck Hamilton ....Worker (uncredited) Lloyd Ingraham ....Cafe patron (uncredited) Walter James ....Assembly line foreman (uncredited) Edward Kimball ....Doctor (uncredited) Jack Low ....Worker (uncredited) Bruce Mitchell ....Paddy Wagon Policeman (uncredited) Frank Moran ....Convict (uncredited) James C. Morton ....Assembly line relief man (uncredited) Louis Natheaux ....Burglar (uncredited) John Rand ....Other waiter (uncredited) Harry Wilson ....Worker (uncredited) ◎简介 本片故事发生在美国二十年月经济冷僻期间,工人查理(卓别林饰)在工场干活、发狂、进入肉体医院,这全体都是与当时的经济危殆给人们带来的生涯危殆有着温顺的接洽。而在难题的生计中,查理和孤女相濡以沫,情势温馨悦耳抖擞着人性的残忍。 卓别林表演产业社会中的一名不利工人,曾在陌头陷害一位偷面包的流浪女。他因腰缠万贯,强迫无心立功以便被送进牢狱,并日后几进几出,流浪女因
歌舞天禀而成了红星,推举他出狱后去义务,没想到他一举成名,但好景不长,两人再度联袂出逃亡命天涯。 本片刻画一个被大古板产业期间同化的大人物运气。他被生产线吞噬的情景令人太息。故事发生在美国二十年月经济冷僻期间,卓别林表演产业社会中的一名不利 工人查理,他在工场干活、发狂,这全体都是与当时的经济危殆给人们带来的生涯危殆有着温顺的接洽。而在难题的生计中,查理曾在陌头陷害一位偷面包的流浪 女。查理和孤女相濡以沫,情势温馨悦耳,抖擞着人性的残忍。 一句话评论辩论 You`ll never laugh as long and as loud again as long as you live! The laughs come so fast and so furious you`ll wish it would end before you collapse! 幕后建造 卓别林对社会的灵敏观测力及蠢才的想像力,对人和古板的关联供应了最为开朗的归结。观众永世忘不了主人公查理被古板卷进卷出的镜头和被流水线弄得麻痹 呆板,在人的鼻子、纽扣拧紧螺母的镜头。1935年,影戏已进入有声期间,可卓别林以为,用风趣夸大的肢体言语,要远胜于对白,于是他只在片中插足配乐和 大批声音就上映了。这是卓别林为无声片画上的光线
黎明曙光”,代 表了好莱坞的日常场合排场,更被中国早期影片奉为经典。