
  • 导演:ThorstenSchütte
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:法国德国
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 豆瓣评分:7
主演:导演:Thorsten Schütte言语: 区域: 法国 / 德国 编剧:典范:纪录片上映时候:2016-06-24(美国)别号:用户标签:纪录片,摇滚,音乐,2016,美国,访谈,Documentary,Biography片长:imdb编号:tt5275830This entertaining encounter with the premier of sonic avant-garde is acidic, fun-poking, and full of rich and rare archival footage. Th is documentary bashes favorite Zappa targets and dashes a few myths about the man himself. World PremiereIt is only fitting that a comet and a mollusk are named in Frank Zappa’s honor. The famed American musician, composer, and thinker created satirical, operatic interpretations of music that seemed to originate from another world.Thorsten Schütte’s film is a sharply edited and energetic celebration of Zappa through his public persona, allowing us to witness his shifting relationship with audiences. Utilizing potent TV interviews and many forgotten performances from his 30-year career, we are immersed into the musician’s world while experiencing two distinct facets of his complex character. At once Zappa was both a charismatic composer who reveled in the joy of performing and, in the next moment, a fiercely intelligent and brutally honest interviewee whose convictions only got stronger as his career ascended.Zappa was uncompromising as he led the charge against music censorship in the ’90s and even went on to embrace the role of quasi-cultural ambassador in the Czech Republic. His music and ideas are vital, and they cut across generations, while his goal of freeing the listener from conformity still resonates today.第53届美国音响后果协会奖纪录片最佳音效(提名)
  • 2022-12-13 哈哈神同样的作曲家。“Frank,zappa,你须要一种豁达的惭愧感才能把邪恶变得好玩或有意思。社会本人会决议甚么是邪恶的。”反音乐,经典,上演的革命性,和检察。疯了,“你爱我的办法让我硬得赶忙想死”,“你在乎yj的尺寸吗”音乐很反摇滚,Rio的最先。“我可以或许援用你的话吗,你说‘她们即女歌迷把崇敬这件最崇高的事酿成活人祭奠’而后女歌迷笑场”,“媒体制止我和能因我观念沾恩的人交换”“gccyz去死”而后谈了很多多少文明成绩。我的妈呀笑抽了他答复玩具分级制时说“那是办公室人奉告我小孩他们多伶俐”“我明白不信但我是个守旧主义者哈哈哈哈我的妈”尖叫了啊啊啊啊啊布拉格人“等了一辈子”“我的王子”而后Gspot热潮了哈维尔来了!!“我不在乎被记取。我的意思是,那些须要动用良多钱的,譬如里根,他们才担忧不被记取。”
  • 2022-12-11 这部电影翻译成《吃掉谁人成绩》估计其他的更吻合原意吧… 英文的题目是\"Eat That Question\"--这部电影暗示了已往对Zappa进行的种种采访,另有他对“采访”这整件事的不垂青和等闲视之。恰是因为他毫不在乎别人问的一些不知所谓的成绩,他的谜底才会显得何等谬妄乏味。
  • 2022-12-05 小丑,对音乐充斥激情但并不能齐全专一于音乐而千方百计会萃听众的人,被过火包装但不排挤包装并与包伪装包装层面奋斗的人,从未真挚地抒发本人的人,最信任美国梦的那批人
  • 2022-12-03 自在狂放……Frank Zappa,一起头当听力来听,厥后制作他观念很锐利,只管即便鉴赏不来他的音乐,可是鉴赏他的肉体。
  • 2022-11-29 要不是看到吹奏自行车,差点就把这电影给错过了。这么大一尊神,我莫非第一次据说,羞愧!
  • 2022-11-21 反媒體文明的Zappa也難怪是Warhol最強勁敵。Zappa比他的作品嚴肅良多。
  • 2022-11-15 列传纪录片:人很乏味。BOBBY BROWN GOES DOWN 真是难听。