主演:导演:Tomas Alfredson言语:
瑞典语 / Estonian / 丹麦语 地域: 瑞典 编剧:典型:
剧情 / 悲剧上映时候:2004-01-24别号:Four Shades of Brown用户标签:瑞典,悲剧,黑色幽默,欧洲,2000s,伦理,Tomas·Alfredson,瑞典影戏片长:192 分钟imdb编号:tt0342636影片时长三个多小时,片中四个敷裕黑色幽默的故事并且搁浅:一个敷裕的,不道德的,并且坏心眼的主教逝世了,然则他的意念所产生的污秽照常在害人。一对年青匹俦费尽神思的重修了废旧的海滨度假胜地,并胜利运营,然则......A man, a pet crematorium employee, takes his son to his place of work to revive the kid`s waning interest in school. A cooking class of four and their teacher meet weekly, but do absolutely no cooking. Instead their weekly meetings turn into impromptu therapy sessions.