
  • 电影别名:西蒙·柯尼安斯基
  • 导演:Micha
  • 演员:乔纳森·扎凯 、Popeck 、Abraham 、Irène 、Nassim 、Marta 、Ivan 、David 、Wlodzimierz 、Fabrice 、Lise 、Nicolas 、`Baba` 、Stéphane 、Stefan 、Charles
  • 类型:喜剧
  • 国家:法国
  • 语言:法语
  • 片长:95
  • IMDB评分:5.9/10 (73 votes)
   Simon,35岁,回到家中与父亲同住,后果两人都无奈忍耐对方。更蹩脚的是Maurice伯伯和Mala伯母老是瞎参合,尤其是竭力帮Simon 找一个英俊的犹太小姑娘娶亲。父亲身后,Simon遂了父亲的渴望把他葬在出生的乌克兰故土。Simon发觉自己的糊口惊奇极了,偏执狂的伯伯,絮聒不时地伯母,六岁的亲孩子,父亲的幽魂和一只兔子,尽管另有和他打骂的前妻。(文:life_is_good@YDY) Simon, 35, has returned to live temporarily with his father. They make life unbearable for each other. To add spice to this situation, Uncle Maurice and Aunt Mala, Ernest`s brother and sister, meddle in everything and, notably, try to find a `nice little Jewish girl` for Simon to marry. When Ernest passes away, Simon fulfils his father`s last request: bury him in the village where he was born, in the depths of Ukraine. And so Simon finds himself caught up in an event-packed road movie in the company of his paranoid old uncle, his aunt who nags him endlessly about his `Goy dancer`, his six-years-old son, his father`s body and his ghost, and also a rabbit. Not to mention his ex who hassles him by phone. The journey will be nothing like a cruise down the Nile! ◎剧  照 
  • 2010-12-30 可不能比布米更抑郁吧
  • 2010-12-29 谢谢分享!