
  • 电影别名:YuMingisAinmDom
  • 导演:DanielO`Hara
  • 演员:DanielWu 、FrankKelly 、PaddyC.Courtney
  • 国家:爱尔兰
  • 语言:英语爱尔兰语汉语普通话
  • 上映时间:2022-12-13
  • 豆瓣评分:8
主演:Daniel Wu / Frank Kelly / Paddy C. Courtney导演:Daniel O`Hara言语:英语 / 爱尔兰语 / 汉语普通话 地域: 爱尔兰 编剧:Daniel O`Hara范例:上映时分:2003又名:Yu Ming is Ainm Dom用户标签:爱尔兰,短片,老外拍的中国人在外洋的片子,爱尔兰语,悲剧,2000s,2003,Gaelic片长:imdb编号:tt04109392003年爱尔兰出品的爱尔兰语片子小品,全长13分钟,叙说一位中国人由于生计闲得发窘,抉择进修爱尔兰语而后到爱尔兰游览,到了从此却发明要地本地爱尔兰人却听不懂这类爱尔兰的官方言语,反映出爱尔兰盖尔语停留的困境。Bored with his life in China, shop worker Yu Ming decides to visit a random country and picks Ireland by spinning a globe. He goes to the library where an atlas informs him that the official language of Ireland is `Gaelic`. Consequently he learns and becomes perfectly fluent in Irish before his trip.The film follows his adventures in trying to be understood in Dublin, where most of the population has little or no grasp of the language. For example, when he arrives at a Dublin hostel, Yu Ming says, `Ba mhaith liom leaba anseo` (`I would like a bed here`). The Australian receptionist assumes that Yu Ming is speaking Chinese, and explains that he doesn`t understand.Yu Ming then heads to a bar in order to seek work and again his Irish lets him down. He asks the barman, `Táim ag lorg oibre` (`I am looking for work`) and the barman stares blankly at him, not understanding a word. An elderly Irish-speaker at the end of the bar listens in awe as the Chinese man can speak the mother tongue Irish fluently, and he invites him for a drink and explains the misunderstanding.Yu Ming is later shown working as a bartender in the Irish-speaking Connemara.A phrase that recurs throughout the film is `An bhfuil tusa ag labhairt liomsa?` (`Are you talking to me?`).
  • 2022-11-20 分享油管下的一条指斥 “Funny thing is i\'m in the reverse situation of this man, spent time in Ireland learning Chinese, got over found most people talk” 233333
  • 2022-11-16 一初步对谁人影戏感兴趣是因为看到主演有Daniel Wu谁人名字 2333333 厥后制造底子不是一个人 23333333 本乡言语的失踪从文化上来讲是一种危险,从古代文化来讲其实是镌汰机制下的如今提高。影戏自身大概是学员功课?立意好,然而作品很平平。
  • 2022-11-12 几年前就听进修过爱尔兰语的同学说有过如斯一部影戏,今蠢才终于晓得这部影戏的名字。民族言语的确不克不及丢呀,向爱尔兰如斯不少人丢掉自己的母语的国度理当也是很少见吧。另:我在2020年3月27号上爱尔兰语慕课时外观又提到了这部影戏。
  • 2022-11-08 因此从小换了好几个处所住也会说区别的方言,但想到我的下一代好像就不会说方言了就有些罕有。中国元素在外观不重要,主假如为了反馈爱尔兰人的言语殖民处境。PS想拥有个地球仪在家里。
  • 2022-11-07 几年前就听进修过爱尔兰语的同学说有过如斯一部影戏,今蠢才终于晓得这部影戏的名字。民族言语的确不克不及丢呀,向爱尔兰如斯不少人丢掉自己的母语的国度理当也是很少见吧。
  • 2022-11-04 汉语直译:余明是我身上的名字,据说是……讲的是一个中国人吃苦进修爱尔兰语而后去爱尔兰巡游,成果没人听懂他的杯具故事。。。
  • 2022-10-19 开头假如他在爱尔兰镇静区域的一个超市任务 百无聊赖就更好了 :D据说不少爱尔兰黉舍企求学员看谁人短片并写读后感