
  • 导演:DavidJung
  • 演员:ShaneJohnson 、EllaAnderson 、CaraPifko
  • 类型:惊悚
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
主演:Shane Johnson / Ella Anderson / Cara Pifko导演:David Jung言语:英语 区域: 美国 编剧:David Jung / Tedi Sarafian范例:惊悚上映时候:又名:用户标签:胆小,惊悚,美国,伪纪录片,灵异,2010s,2013,美国影戏片长:imdb编号:tt2282016Michael King (Shane Johnson), who doesn`t believe in God or the Devil. Following the sudden death of his wife, Michael decides to make his next film about the search for the existence of the supernatural, making himself the center of the experiment - allowing demonologists, necromancers, and various practitioners of the occult to try the deepest and darkest spells and rituals they can find on him - in the hopes that when they fail, he`ll once and for all have proof that religion, spiritualism, and the paranormal are nothing more than myth. But something does happen. An evil and horrifying force has taken over Michael King. And it will not let him go. o Summary provided - Michael King (chaoji365.com) doesn`t believe in God or The Devil. yinmofushen/Following the sudden death of his wife, the documentary filmmaker decides to make his next film about the search for the existence of the supernatural. Michael decides to make himself the center of the experiment - allowing demonologists, necromancers,
  • 2021-02-28 无论是伪纪录片手段如故呼喊妖怪基本上被畏惧片用烂了的梗,这电影也没有甚么离奇的处所,幸亏它的故事倏地结尾了,没再继续演出驱魔的俗烂桥段。这部低老本的电影就像一部半成品,75分钟的故事就像缺了第三幕,如许的结尾有点让人感到故事不完好,不外畏惧段子和视觉后果却是玩的很对味。
  • 2005-05-04 这么一说吧,好比你并不是那么热衷于畏惧片,那么这一部伪纪实的畏惧片如故有处所可以吓到你的。关于我来说,能吓到我不至于把我吓出病来,我感到是够了。
  • 2003-08-17 身为一名资深伪纪录片爱好者,从没说过伪纪录片的好话,嗯,但这部电影,真实 未审太特么傻逼了,一星给那只金毛
  • 2001-01-25 本人要的 人家确信中意你 作死的典范 沙沙声是天使的声响还蛮萌的!
  • 2000-05-13 不相信神的具备,不代表神不具备,也不代表,你确信是无神论者。
  • 1983-11-13 纪录片的小老本来说,事实上蛮不错了。不少典礼的常识在里面哦。
  • 1971-08-17 还行吧,后半段如故很吓人的,即是开头完毕的太蓦然了