
  • 导演:JamesBolton
  • 演员:RubenBansie-Snellman 、PledgureDuoshun 、ZacharyS.Smalls
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:USA: 80 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:6
主演:Ruben Bansie-Snellman / Pledgure Duoshun / Zachary S. Smalls导演:James Bolton言语:英语 地域: 美国 编剧:典范:剧情上映时分:2004-05-31别号:用户标签:美国,同道,Graffiti,涂鸦,Gay,美国片子,同性,2004片长:USA: 80 分钟imdb编号:tt0402223Adrift in a lush, nocturnal urban landscape, Nick is a post-modern urban hero asserting his anarchistic agenda on the endless maze of virgin exterior walls that comprise downtown Seattle and Portland. For writer/director Bolton`s lonely `tagger` protagonist, the vast wall surfaces of deserted alleys and trainyards are at once a daunting symbol of capitalist oppression and a texturally rich, seamless tableau ripe for exploitation to amplify his artistic dialectic of anger and rebellion. His own virtually anonymous existence seemingly only secondary to the painted surfaces and `rupture the system` manifesto which more poignantly evidence his presence, Nick`s prodigious solo graffiti output is interrupted by friendship with another young tagger. Their communication begins as less verbal than a kind of shared graphic tour de force; their enormous collaborative graffiti murals appear to emerge as the unmistakable offspring of their kindred spirit. But eventually their assumptions about one another are disproved as political, emotional and ethical issues arise which cause their relationship to dissolve into the background of urban detritus, and the artists themselves emerge only further atomized and alienated by the experience. Compelling themes, sensitive performances, and luscious visuals define this film which is a revealing immersion into the experiential reality of those daring to make their art in a socially condemned arena. For a film ostensibly focusing on manipulated surfaces, Bolton`s cinematic artistry probes deep into the consciousness of the `tagger` and `graffiti artist` sub-culture.
  • 2022-12-05 前面的23分钟都很像GV结尾(事情同期声)经过比照两者对同性恋的立场 抒发了一种对自在艺术由一而终和的执着和一种将艺术当儿戏的三分钟热度 涂鸦完的快感环绕着互相 尽管才发生了419 由于当感到溢满胸腔时就会想经过甚么发泄进去 尽管完了就完了 万万别认真 涂鸦与同道的互相照应(隐蔽性、主观性、易
  • 2022-11-28 当咱们日子在那个全国,咱们起首要做的是一个坏蛋。NICK“睡不醒”感到本人很骄气不为五斗米折腰却凭着本人感到对的鬼鬼祟祟日子。JESSE卷毛说得对!“你的确感到你不食世间炊火吗?甚么原因你TMD不去找份责任坚持糊口?”
  • 2022-11-26 略显烦闷的影戏,那晚上的全体,生怕不外荷尔蒙分发的一时打动,算不上真情实意。但看起来,确实是两个人的终极钻营的档次差别才是连同伙都做不成的真正缘故原由,艺术无价吗?这也是末了一幕的深档次考虑。
  • 2022-10-27 睡不醒是个不食世间炊火的仙子,到世间来纯属途经。   他面无表情,不说不笑不吃不喝不去省事他人,靠个烤玉米就能活一天。   他偷公家的苹果,作为报答,他在墙上给人们留下“免费的艺术”。
  • 2022-10-27 我照常乖乖去看那短短的剪辑好了,亏我还感到那是一部密切甜美的影戏,没想到莫非是这一部。
  • 2022-10-21 看片的时间被海报骗了把重点放错了,本来讲的不是情绪讲的是立场。
  • 2022-10-18 男主眼神诶~~真迷离!长得很像盖尔加西亚。在大象里露过一小脸