2022-07-11 18.11.14/ 2/3:what if I were to tell you that we’ve got a team of doctors, the best on the planet, coming up with new ways to harness the complexities of the human mind? 我以为那个人类计帐筹划是脑中毒类丧尸主题 快到终局说wipe off the spectrum entirely才意想到是个人类影象计帐筹划 很多多少细节确凿好讽刺啊 孤立王国事一个侏儒 女主末了拿走的是惟独7秒影象的金鱼是继续养依然继续吃 假爸爸留处所的那本书是《变形记》 影戏很慢 你得耐烦 终局配乐恍然大悟“Oh yeah Finding my way”