《自己动手做:英国Rough trade唱片公司的故事》高清下载

主演:导演:BBC言语:英语 区域: 英国 编剧:BBC范例:纪录片上映时候:又名:用户标签:纪录片,BBC,英国,音乐,摇滚,Documentary,RoughTrade,UK片长:43minimdb编号:tt1797600The Rough Trade story begins more than thirty years ago on 20th February 1976. Britain was in the grip of an IRA bombing campaign; a future prime minister was beginning to make her mark on middle England, where punk was yet to run amok; and a young Cambridge graduate called Geoff Travis opened a new shop at 202 Kensington Park Road, just off Ladbroke Grove in West London. The Rough Trade shop sold obscure and challenging records by bands like American art-rockers Pere Ubu, offering an alternative to the middle-of-the-road rock music that dominated the music business.In January 1977, when a record by Manchester punk band Buzzcocks appeared in the shop, Rough Trade found itself in the right place at the right time to make an impact far beyond that of a neighbourhood music store. When Spiral Scratch was released in 1977, the idea of putting out a single without the support of an established record company was incredible. But Rough Trade was to become the headquarters of a revolt against this corporate monopoly - it was stocking records by bands inspired by the idea that they could do it themselves.But selling a few independent records over the counter was not going to change the world. Early independent labels had to hand over their distribution to the likes of EMI or CBS. But one man at Rough Trade challenged that monopoly. Richard Scott joined Rough Trade in 1977 and became the architect of a grand scheme that was nothing short of revolutionary: independent nationwide distribution.
《自己动手做:英国Rough trade唱片公司的故事》电影评论
  • 2021-11-10 挺好的题材,让抑郁的旁白和涓滴没有张力的剪辑给毁了。有点儿英国的摩登天空的感到,固然妨害力统统不同样。一帮共产孩子单纯用爱发电的意见意义,开端甚么都不懂,亏的都卖店了,成果成了妨害英国乐坛荆棘铜驼的家产。固然和全部摇滚故事同样,发际、蓬勃、草木皆兵。因而抑郁然而末了十分钟是绝对的爆点,某riff一起来太太太牛x了!混身阵阵发麻长达1分钟!而后即是一个接一个牛x轰轰的名字,RT又一春残破来了。若是让那些拍摇滚纪录片的运作运作,都照末了十分钟的拍法儿,再夸大的说点儿牛x的话,统统可以成为又一部神作。
  • 2021-08-10 两个乐队让我感动死了:The Smiths,和,The Strokes。(后者完满是欣喜啊有没有,没想到看Rough Trade纪录片却让我掉进The Strokes的坑...)另,听说Frankly Mr Shankly是挖苦Geoff Travis的?!笑死。
  • 2009-03-30 只想提一下paintavulgarpicture这首歌,在他们和roughtrade的末了一张唱片里,而预先合约成就基本上很尴尬了,刊行以后终于签了EMI却一张专辑都没有再发。而后即是timingiseverything,时势造英雄。贾叔太好笑了。。。
  • 2004-01-30 关于关系音乐爱好者来说异样有味,并且故事讲得很残缺——寰宇良知,这么根本的祈求当初好些主流贸易故事片都达不到了,宣发回伙同大V们一个个地闭着眼瞎吹。 若是异样自控地给分,我会打8.5,当初多出的一颗星是囧尼马和本尼滤镜。
  • 1990-01-24 关于英国传说厂牌rough trade的纪录片,若是你不知道rough trade,那么你一定听过the Smiths,pulp,the strokes,Duffy,若是听过就请去看。
  • 1976-05-21 山羊皮吉他手小哥的好几个rubbish哈哈哈,冲着the smiths看的。若何说好呢,这即是音乐梦吧,那时分那些年青家伙的音乐梦。看到各人人为都同样的时分真是...好酷啊
  • 1974-02-28 励志故事老是热眼眶。greatachievementalwaysstartsfromtinydreams.naivepeoplechangetheworld.