改编自事实上状况,聚焦前英国情报机构当局通讯总部的传译员Katharine Gun,她在2003年伊拉克战役迸发前夜泄漏了一份国度安全局备忘录,暴光美国和英国结合对结合国安理会成员进行的造孽间谍活动。本片的脚本来自基于此事实上状况的纪实文学作品The Spy Who Tried To Stop A War: Katharine Gun And The Secret Plot To Sanction The Iraq Invasion。
2022-10-06 “Governments change. I work for the British people. I gather intelligence so that the government can protect the British people. I do not gather intelligence so that the government can lie to the British people. ” 说得真好啊。搞支属连坐属于 “State Bullying”(国度凌辱行为),学到了一个新词 √